[tei-council] facsimile odd

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Jul 15 19:58:06 EDT 2007

Unless I've grossly misunderstood it, Conal's proposal may be summarized 
as follows:

a) we define a new element <pg>, a member of model.sourceDescPart
b) we define a new attribute class, att.projection and make <graphic> a 
member of it, along with a small number of other existing "container" 
elements like <p>, <ab>, and <seg>. Dot also proposes an attribute @coords.
c) we define a new element <area>, a member of model.graphicLike
d) <pg> is used as a wrapper for one or more <graphic>s, each 
representing a page image; it can also contain <area>s which define 
particular zones within the page.
e) <pg> can point into text transcript by means of special attribute 
@start (indicates a <pb/>); <area>s point to elements in the transcript 
using @corresp

And here, probably revealing the grossness of my understanding, are some 
comments on each of the above points:

a) I don't think this element belongs in sourceDesc. If <pg> contains 
the  images constituting a digital facsimile, then it isn't metadata 
about that facsimile, it *is* the facsimile. I might want to record in 
the sourceDesc other things (e.g. where I nicked the images from) which 
wouldn't form part of the facsimile proper.
b) the class seems to combine two different kinds of attribute: ones 
like @top and @right which define where something else is within a 
graphic; and ones like @xscale and @rotate which define how a graphic is 
to be rendered in a given context. I really don't understand how these 
attributes are intended to be used though.
c) <area> doesn't make much sense except with reference to a <graphic>; 
it can't therefore be a member of model.graphicLike, since this would 
allow it to stand in place of a <graphic>
d) <pg> seems rather restrictive (not to say unpronounceable) as a name: 
could I use it, for example, to wrap images of Sebastian's gravestones? 
Is the only difference between a <pg> and an <area> that one corresponds 
with a conventional visual unit -- the page -- and the other with any 
arbitrary subsection of it? suppose each of my images shows a  2-page 
spread: would each one be a <pg> with each page image being an <area>?
e) why two different attributes for pointing into the text? How do I 
point from text into image?

I haven't got very far trying to answer these questions, but as far as I 
have I'd like to suggest that
(1) we should be thinking of defining a different element to contain a 
collection of digital images, which would be analogous to  the existing 
<text> element: let's call it <facs> for the moment. A <facs> can appear 
where a <text> (but not a <floatingText>) can in the TEI model.
(2) It contains one or more <zone> elements defining a two dimensional 
space which is represented in the facsimile
(3) a <zone> contains one or more <graphic> elements, each of which 
gives a visual representation of the zone in question, using differing 
scales, rotations etc.
(4) a <zone> may also optionally contain other <zone>s, each of which 
contains a visual representation of some subset of the parent zone, 
again possibly using different scales or rotations.
(5) alignment of image and text is done throughout using  existing TEI 
mechanisms -- i.e. we use @corresp to point from one to the other, or we 
use a standoff alignment map.

Please tell me if this is far too simplistic an approach -- it doesn't 
seem to me a million miles away from the proposal we have though.


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