[tei-council] Choice and App/rdg again

Lou's Laptop lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sat Jul 14 11:07:14 EDT 2007

Just for the record, I am in 100% agreement with Syd on this! <choice> 
is not meant to be used in the way Daniel suggests; <alt> is the 
recommended method for dealing with such things.


Syd Bauman wrote:
> Daniel --
>> ... let me re-raise the issue with choice and app/rdg: my view is
>> that the current phrase-level model is [too] restrictive.
> OK, but let me point out that even if you convince us that <choice>
> should contain paragraph-level or div-level chunks, this is *way* too
> big a change to even be *considered* for P5 1.0.
> But convincing me, at least, is going to be hard, not because of any
> lack of truth in your argument that encodings of things larger than
> phrases may occur in alternation -- I'm completely with you there.
> But rather it is difficult because changing the content of <choice>
> to allow things larger than a place where it itself can appear is
> very problematic: all of a sudden you can have <div>s inside of
> <seg>s so long as there's a <choice> between the two. Quite bizarre.
> Perhaps not impossible to get around with sincere warnings and
> Schematron, but no small matter either way.
> But perhaps equally important, this may not be necessary. We already
> have reasonable encoding methods for alternation. These include the
> <alt> (and <altGrp>) element(s):
>     <div type="dairyEntry" xml:id="z23a">
>       <p/>
>     </div>
>     <div type="dairyEntry" xml:id="z23b">
>       <p/>
>     </div>
>     <alt mode="excl" targets="#z23a #z23b"/>
> And the exclude= attribute:
>     <sp who="#dg">
>       <p xml:id="y12a" exclude="#y12b">Holy alternation, Batman!</p>
>       <p xml:id="y12b" exclude="#y12a">Holy fledermaus, Altman!</p>
>     </sp>
> One could argue that
>     <choice>
>       <sic>Dairy</sic>
>       <corr>Diary</corr>
>     </choice>
> is essentially the same as
>    <sic xml:id="e1" exclude="#c1">Dairy</sic>
>    <corr xml:id="c1" exclude="#e1">Diary</corr>
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