[tei-council] agenda items for Council telecon on 2007-06-15 at 1200 UTC

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Tue Jun 12 17:20:38 EDT 2007

> it might help if you listed the outstanding rules you have to
> implement using Schematron? I am bit nonplussed by the assertion.

What assertion? Yes, it would help if I provided a list, but since
creating such a list is a large part of the project ...

In the meantime, here is a list of some that we considered candidates
back in summer 2005:
active=         <relation>      should point to a <person> or <personGrp>, pending work on prosopography
adj=            <node>          should point to one or more <node>s
adjFrom=        <node>          should point to one or more <node>s
adjTo=          <node>          should point to one or more <node>s
children=       <iNode>         should point to one or more <iNode>s or <leaf>s
children=       <root>          should point to one or more <iNode>s or <leaf>s
class=          <msContents>    should point to a <textClass> or child of a <textClass>? ask MS
class=          <msItem>        should point to a <textClass> or child of a <textClass>? ask MS
code=           <occupation>    should point to a <category> element
code=           <socecStatus>   should point to a <category> element
end=            %tei.timed;     should point to a <loc>
exclude=        %tei.linking;   should point to one or more members of the tei.declarable class
feats=          <fs>            should point to one or more <f>s
follow=         <iNode>         should point to an <iNode> or <leaf>
follow=         <leaf>          should point to an <iNode> or <leaf>
from=           <arc>           should point to a <node>
given=          <certainty>     should point to a different <certainty> or a <p>?
hand=           %tei.readings;  should point to a <hand>
hand=           <add>           should point to a <hand>
hand=           <addSpan>       should point to a <hand>
hand=           <damage>        should point to a <hand>
hand=           <del>           should point to a <hand>
hand=           <delSpan>       should point to a <hand>
hand=           <gap>           should point to a <hand>
hand=           <restore>       should point to a <hand>
hand=           <supplied>      should point to a <hand>
hand=           <unclear>       should point to a <hand>
location=       %tei.dictionaries;          should point to an <anchor>
new=            <handShift>                 should point to a <hand>
next=           %tei.linking;               should point to an element of same type
old=            <handShift>                 should point to a <hand>
origin=         <timeline>                  should point to one of its own <when> children
parent=         <iNode>                     should point to an <iNode>, <root>, or <leaf>
parent=         <leaf>                      should point to an <iNode>, <root>, or <leaf>
passive=        <relation>                  should point to a <person> or <personGrp>, pending work on prosopography
perf=           <move>                      should point to one or more <performance>s
perf=           <tech>                      should point to one or more <performance>s
prev=           %tei.linking;               should point to an element of same type
ref=            <g>                         should point to a <char> or a <glyph>
render=         <tagUsage>                  should point to a <rendition> element
resp=           %tei.interpret;             should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           %tei.readings;              should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <hand>                      should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <handShift>                 should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <note>                      should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <reg>                       should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <respons>                   should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <restore>                   should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <space>                     should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <supplied>                  should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <unclear>                   should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           <witDetail>                 should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
resp=           %tei.intervention;          should point to a tei.naming or <person> element
role=           <person>                    should point to a ??
role=           <personGrp>                 should point to a ??
scheme=         <catRef>                    should point to a <taxonomy> element
scheme=         <classCode>                 should point to a <taxonomy> element
scheme=         <keywords>                  should point to a <taxonomy> element
scheme=         <occupation>                should point to a <taxonomy> element
scheme=         <socecStatus>               should point to a <taxonomy> element
scribe=         <hand>                      should point to a tei.naming or <person> element?
script=         <writing>                   should point to a <bibl>, <biblStruct>, <biblFull>, or (maybe) <biblItem>?
select=         %tei.linking;               should point to one or more of its own descendants
since=          <when>                      should point to a sibling <when>
source=         <normalization>             should point to a tei.naming, <person>, <bibl>, <biblStruct>, <biblFull>, or <biblItem>
start=          %tei.timed;                 should point to a <loc>
target=         %tei.formPointers;          should point to an <orth>, <pron>, or <form>
target=         <catRef>                    should point to <taxonomy> elements
target=         <gloss>                     should point to a <term>
target=         <specGrpRef>                should point to a <specGrp>
target=         <term>                      should point to a <gloss>
to=             <arc>                       should point to a <node>
url=            <fsdDecl>                   should point to a (file whose root is a) <teifsd>?
who=            %tei.ascribed;              should point to a <person> or <personGrp>, pending work on prosopography

> would be interesting to hear more about these

I don't think it's up on the web yet ...

> so <name ref="#SYD"> must point to a <person xml:id="SYD">
> somewhere, for example? but that's not true, is it?
> If it pointed to www.example.com/person.php?ID=SYD,
> did we ever say that must return a <person>?

I was not privy to the discussions about ref= of <name>, so I can't
say. Perhaps it is a reasonable restriction that it point to a TEI
<person> or <nym> element, though. If you want to refer to some
external database either
* you shouldn't use ref=, or
* you should point to it from the <person> entry, no?

> are you sure that ISO Schematron supports using of document() to
> access remote resources? 

Yes, I think it does. I even think that it is supposed to support use
of fragment identifiers. What I don't know is if any implementations
actually do this or not.

> what do you do if the site is unreachable?

I would say throw a warning that it can't be tested and go on, but I'm
not sure Schematron implementations let you do that or not.

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