[tei-council] Re: Suggestions for P5 + a Manuscripts query

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Fri Jun 8 05:38:57 EDT 2007

Dear Charlie

Thanks for your note which I'm copying with this response to the TEI 
Council and to Murray McGilvray. The existing <foliation> element isn't 
really meant for this kind of detailed codicological description: as it 
currently stands it's just a prose essay. Murray McGilvray's "physical 
bibliography" activity (PB) produced some more detailed proposals which 
certainly do address this need (see 
http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/PB/draft-0714.html) but which were not 
accepted by the TEI Council in their present form; the minutes (rather 
flatteringly for me!) express a preference for the approach Richard 
Gartner and I sketched out ages ago (see 
http://users.ox.ac.uk/~lou/wip/MS/msodd.htm#MSCOLL);  more recent work 
in this area has also been carried out by Dot Porter at UKY (but I can't 
for the moment find a reference to it). There was some active discussion 
of the PB proposals on the PB mailing list last summer, but the TEI 
Council's attention has been fairly solidly engaged elsewhere in P5 
since then.

Sadly, I think it's now too late to get a properly worked out proposal 
for markup of physical document structure into the 1.0 release. But I 
certainly think it ought to be being planned and worked on now, and 
doing it as a P5 extension will make the task of subsequently 
integrating it that much easier. If you'd like to work on that, your 
input would be most welcome.

It's not clear from your note what exactly you're currently doing 
though: presumably the fragment in your note is validated by a schema of 
some sort; is there an ODD describing that schema? if not, is there 
other documentation for it?

best wishes


   Charlie Mansfield wrote:
> Dear Lou & Co
>   We're trying to bend the P5 to describe where miniatures sit within 
> folded quires in 14th C French manuscripts.  See picture in PowerPoint 
> attached.
> I've dug through
> http://www.tei-c.org/P5/Guidelines/ref-foliation.html
> to give me the tags, but I need to stretch them further, I think.
> I'm not sure whether I', asking for advice or just wanting to tell 
> someone all this, but here goes...
> Recording Codicological Position of Miniatures within the Make-Up of 
> Quire Bundles (with Letter-names of Artists).  Note: Some folios within 
> quires do not follow-through but terminate in a 'talon' or heel.
> <quire n="14" bifolios="4" followthroughs="95-102, 96-101, 97-100, 98-99">
> <decoNote type="miniature">
> <locus folio= "95" column="a" startline="5" extentlines="10">
> <item artists="A, B, C">
> Orpheus playing lyre to fish and birds
> </item>
> </locus>
> </decoNote>
> </quire>
> Ignore me if this all sounds too complicated but if someone is still 
> looking at mansucsript description then I'd welcome their thoughts.
> Best Wishes
> Charlie
> Charlie Mansfield
> AHRC Middle French Project
> http://www.pizan.lib.ed.ac.uk/

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