[tei-council] the "key" attribute

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu May 10 10:52:51 EDT 2007

Useful little beast, but I don't think we are 100% clear on its use

Here is @key's ODD:

   <attDef ident="key" usage="opt">
       <desc>provides a means of locating a full definition for the
      entity being named such as a database record key or a
    <rng:ref xmlns:rng="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" 

so if I say key="foo", is that a URI or a database record key?
I simply can't tell from the context.

look at some of our test files:

<name type="person" key="ThorJon08">&#x00DE;orgeir J&#x00F3;nsson</name>
<country key="#FR"/>
<placeName key="http://www.activitaly.it/monument/portspaolo.htm">Porta
<persName key="#CESTIUS">Cestius</persName>
<placeName key="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurelian_walls"> Aurelian
<placeName key="#DK">Denmark</placeName></p></placeState>
<country key="#place2"></country>
<settlement key="place3"></settlement>
<addrLine><name key="ota" type="organisation">Oxford Text 

we're not even internally consistent!

So, to # or not to #?

Sebastian Rahtz      
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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