[tei-council] proposed re-org of div wrapping

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Thu Apr 19 18:38:02 EDT 2007

> Did I really. But that doesn't actually answer my question, does
> it?

No, I don't think there is a specific SFFR or Trac ticket for
postscript. There probably should be. Sebastian probably even asked
me to make one. I will shortly.

> I assume that what you're objecting to is <div><p/><head/></div>
> which i agree looks decidedly broken. 


> If you have a proposed revision of the divWrapper bit of the class
> system which provides a solution to this then so much the better:

I do and I posted it.

> let's see it properly worked out and tested.

I was just making sure there were no objections before I implemented
it. However, now that I've thought about it, I would like opinions on 
which is better, three separate classes:
   model.divTop = head opener salute epigraph
   model.divBottom = closed signed trailer ps
   model.divWrapper = argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate 

In which case use things like "(model.divWrapper|model.divTop)*"; OR
making model.divWrapper a member of model.divTop and model.divBottom:

   model.divTop = model.divWrapper head opener salute epigraph
   model.divBottom = model.divWrapper closed signed trailer ps
   model.divWrapper = argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate 

In which case use things like "model.divTop*".

> let's stick with top and bottom for the moment -- we might want
> start and end for horseification purposes one day.

Fine w/ me.

> I dont understand this: once a class is defined it can be used
> anywhere. Or are you proposing macros here?

No, I'm proposing classes. But if model.divWrapper is a member of
model.divTop (2nd, above), then there is no way in a content model to
access only <head>, <opener>, etc., without also getting <argument>,
<byline>, etc. I'm just trying to figure out if this is a problem or
not. (One solution, of course is to invent two new classes:

   model.divWrapper = argument byline dateline docAuthor docDate 
   model.openerLike = head opener salute epigraph
   model.closerLike = closer signed trailer ps
   model.divTop =     model.divWrapper model.openerLike
   model.divBottom =  model.divWrapper model.closerLike

but that may be overkill.)

> you mean, why does divGen contain divWrapper but not
> divWrapper.bottom? fair question, and the answer is probably just
> an oversight. when you've sorted the classes out....


> Plausible. But I still think a <divGen> really is quite a different
> sort of beast from a <div> all the same.

Indeed it is semantically, but syntactically the line is getting
quite fuzzy nowadays.

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