[tei-council] limited phrase, take 2

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Jan 31 13:04:19 EST 2007

> I think the third version is missing elements--I can't see choice,
> for example.

Yes, <choice> is missing from the complete re-design, sorry about
that. But even worse, the membership of model.pPart.editorial and
model.pPart.originate are reversed.

However, so far those who have chimed in prefer what I called the
"current proposal", so this may be a moot point.

--------- complete re-arrangement, updated ---------

model.phrase = 
   model.phrase.transcribe = 
      model.egLike = eg egXML
      model.pPart.transcribe = add damage del restore space unclear
      model.pPart.editorial = corr orig reg supplied
      model.hiLike = hi
      model.lPart = caesura rhyme
      model.ptrLike.form = oRef oVar pRef pVar
      model.segLike = c cl m phr s seg w
   model.phrase.originate = 
      model.graphicLike = binaryObject formula graphic
      model.pPart.originate = abbr expan sic choice
      model.emphLike = distinct emph foreign gloss mentioned soCalled term title code ident
      model.xmlPhrase = att gi tag val
      model.specDescLike = specDesc specList
      model.pPart.data = address
         model.dateLike = date 
         model.measureLike = measure num
         model.nameLike = geogName lang placeName rs
             model.nameLike.agent = name orgName persName
         model.timeLike = time 
      model.pPart.msdesc = catchwords dimensions handShift heraldry locus
         material origDate origPlace secFol signatures watermark
      model.ptrLike = ptr ref

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