[tei-council] TEI Conformance

Conal Tuohy Conal.Tuohy at vuw.ac.nz
Sun Dec 3 21:50:34 EST 2006

"Conal Tuohy" <Conal.Tuohy at vuw.ac.nz> writes:

> Many customisations will call on pre-existing XML vocabularies. We
> pretend to define the namespace URIs of already-existing vocabularies,
> yet I strongly believe that we should allow customisations which use
> these vocabularies to be considered "conformant". e.g. I might make a
> "graphical" customisation which (amongst other things) imports some
> elements, or an "ontological" customisation which introduces some RDF
> XTM vocabulary. 
> http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
> http://www.topicMaps.org/xtm/1.0/
> http://www.w3.org/2000/svg
> In short, I think it's just infeasible to constrain the namespaces
> "conformant" TEI customisations may introduce (except that they must
> use the empty namespace or the TEI namespace). 

Christian Wittern wrote:

> But these are different XML vocabularies, not user extensions of the
> TEI?  

Aren't they both? As I see it, they would (foreign) vocabularies which
some user has used to extend the TEI vocabulary.

> I thought our discussion was about what namespace to use for
> elements and attributes (re)defined using the ODD mechanism.  For
> existing vocabularies, you would typically just pull in the schema
> file into your own extension, but not add a new namespace to them?

Perhaps, though not necessarily - XML namespaces and the schemas which
use them are 2 different things, after all. 

I can think of cases where one would want to write one's own (TEI ODD)
schema for an extension which uses another, pre-existing, namespace. For
instance, one might define a TEI schema which includes some date
elements from the Qualified Dublin Core namespace
http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/, such as dateCopyrighted,
dateSubmitted, or whatever, without wanting to import all the DC types,
and while actually constraining those elements further than the
Qualified DC schema
http://dublincore.org/schemas/xmls/qdc/2006/01/06/dcterms.xsd does.

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