[tei-council] macro.glossSeq

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Thu Sep 28 06:51:18 EDT 2006

Dear all,
As promised here is a quick note concerning macro.glossSeq and  
proposals for action.

macro.glossSeq, whose definition is a sequence of
	altIdent?, equiv*, gloss*, desc*
appears in a heterogeneous set of elements that can be subdivided  
into three groups:

1. specification elements, i.e.  moduleSpec, schemaSpec, elementSpec,  
classSpec macroSpec, attDef, valItem
	where it usage seem to be OK (although I don't like to be forced to  
use these elements in this very order, but well...)

2. a whole group of element where the macro is either used in  
isolation (gap, vocal, kinesic, event, join, joinGrp, certainty,  
respons) or in combination with other elements (char, glyph)
	where it seems that there has been a brutal conversion of an  
existing <desc> into this macro, whereas basically only <desc> was  

It should be noted that the definition of <desc> clearly states that  
it is related to documentation elements:
	"contains a brief description of the purpose and application for an  
element, attribute, or attribute value"

My suggestions are thus:
	- leave group 1 unchanged
	- replace all occurances of macro.glossSeq in group 2 content models  
by just <desc>
	- revise <desc> description to make it a more generic element for  
describing what is the encoder's meaning when making a specification  
of when using a specific element from group 2, i.e.

	" contains a brief description of the purpose or application of the  
containing element"


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