[tei-council] Proposal for new filenames, vote required

Conal Tuohy Conal.Tuohy at vuw.ac.nz
Sat Sep 2 23:10:50 EDT 2006


-----Original Message-----
From: tei-council-bounces at lists.village.Virginia.EDU on behalf of Christian Wittern
Sent: Thu 31/08/06 14:42
To: tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Subject: [tei-council] Proposal for new filenames, vote required

Dear Council members,

I hope we can bring this to a quick end now.  Please give me your
thumbs up or thumbs down.  If the proposal is rejected, the discussion
will be closed for a while, I hope, while we direct our attention to
other important things.

Please send your votes to the list. I would like to announce the
result next Monday (JST), so vote counting will stop by 2006-09-03
23:59 GMT.

Here is the current proposal:

>>   AB.xml -> AB-About.xml
>>   AI.xml -> AI-AnalyticMechanisms.xml
>>   BIB.xml -> BIB-Bibliography.xml
>>   CC.xml -> CC-LanguageCorpora.xml
>>   CE.xml -> CE-CertaintyResponsibility.xml
>>   CF.xml -> CF-Conformance.xml
>>   CH.xml -> CH-LanguagesCharacterSets
>>   COL.xml -> COL-Colophon.xml
>>   CO.xml -> CO-CoreElements.xml
>>   DEDICATION.xml -> Dedication.xml
>>   DI.xml -> DI-PrintDictionaries.xml
>>   DR.xml -> DR-PerformanceTexts.xml
>>   DS.xml -> DS-DefaultTextStructure.xml
>>   DT.xml -> DT-ObtainingSchemas.xml
>>   FD.xml -> FD-FeatureSystemDeclaration.xml
>>   FM1.xml -> FM1-IntroductoryNote.xml
>>   FS.xml -> FS-FeatureStructures.xml
>>   FT.xml -> FT-TablesFormulaeGraphics.xml
>>   GD.xml -> GD-GraphsNetworksTrees.xml
>>   guidelines-en.xml (no change needed!)
>>   HD.xml -> HD-Header.xml
>>   IN.xml -> IN-RulesForInterchange.xml
>>   MD.xml -> MD-ModifyingCustomizing.xml
>>   MS.xml -> MS-ManuscriptDescription.xml
>>   ND.xml -> ND-NamesDates.xml
>>   NH.xml -> NH-MultipleHierarchies.xml
>>   PARTIND.xml (no renaming)
>>   PH.xml -> PH-PrimarySources.xml
>>   PREFS.xml -> PrefatoryNote.xml
>>   REFCLA.xml -> Classes.xml
>>   REFENT.xml -> Macros.xml
>>   REFTAG.xml -> Elements.xml
>>   SA.xml -> SA-LinkingSegmentationAlignment.xml
>>   SG.xml -> SG-GentleIntroduction.xml
>>   SH.xml -> SH-OtherMetadataStandards.xml
>>   ST.xml -> ST-Infrastructure.xml
>>   TC.xml -> TC-CriticalApparatus.xml
>>   TD.xml -> TD-DocumentationElements.xml
>>   TE.xml -> TE-TerminologicalDatabases.xml
>>   TS.xml -> TS-TranscriptionsofSpeech.xml
>>   VE.xml -> VE-Verse.xml
>>   WD.xml -> WD-NonStandardCharacters.xml

All the best,



 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN
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tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU

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