[tei-council] tomorrow's conference call

John A. Walsh jawalsh at indiana.edu
Mon Jul 24 23:20:50 EDT 2006

hi all,

I'm in a San Diego airport waiting for a delayed red-eye flight from  
California, where I've been attending the 14th annual Comics Art  
Conference (yes, that's comics as in cartoons and comic books, not  
comedians) and hanging out with a sparse few academics and 80,000  
comic book fans, including quite few dressed up as Klingons,  
Wookiees, super heros, and the like.  I'm still hoping to make it  
back in time for the conference call, but because of this delay,  
there's a chance I won't make it. The conference call is all set up,  
so everything should be o.k. on that front.  I hope to talk to you  
all tomorrow, but if not, I'm stuck in transit.

| John A. Walsh
| Associate Director for Projects and Services, Digital Library Program
| Associate Librarian, University Libraries
| Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of English
| Indiana University, 1320 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405
| Voice:812-855-8758 Fax:812-856-2062 <mailto:jawalsh at indiana.edu>

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