[tei-council] Use of <imprint> wrapper inside <bibl>-like-things

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Thu Nov 17 06:52:47 EST 2005

At the "class" sub-committee meeting in Oxford in September, it was
decided to drop the <imprint> element from <bibl> and <biblItem> (but
not from <monogr>). The effect of this change from the
sub-committee's point of view is to make the TEI class system a
little simpler and more coherent. That's a good thing. The result
from the encoder's point of view is that things that are encoded as

  <bibl xml:id="IMEV">
    <author>Carleton Brown</author> and <author>Rossell Hope Robbins</author>
    <title level="m">The index of Middle English verse</title>
      <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>

in P4 would need to become

  <bibl xml:id="IMEV">
    <author>Carleton Brown</author> and <author>Rossell Hope Robbins</author>
    <title level="m">The index of Middle English verse</title>
    <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace>
in P5.

I am posting here just to double-check that this change is OK with
Council. While all of us at the meeting were convinced that the extra
level of nesting is not helpful, I think it would be a good idea to
ask some librarians, catalogers, bibliographers, etc.

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