[tei-council] personography task force

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Fri Nov 11 05:17:11 EST 2005

Just to clarify on my current commitments...

1. Classes

In Bulgaria, Syd and I agreed to divide the task of implementing the 
Oxford decisions between us. I have done my half, and Syd (witness 
recent email) has started on his. We hope to have the whole lot done by 
the end of November.

2. Structure chapter (ST)

I want to make a serious attempt at defining a new organization for this 
chapter. Every time a change is made to the class system, this chapter 
has to be edited, which is one reason why I have been putting the job 
off, but it remains, I think, more urgent than anything else. I will 
work on that during December.

3. Personography rationalization.

I have already done some minor spadework on this, in revising the parts 
of CO which talk about names. I would like to build on this revision, 
with the aim of producing a new section synthesizing what is currently 
treated in ND and in CC, for the Council to review in January. Let me 
stress that my intention is not to revisit the whole question of 
personal identity, but simply to synthesize what is already present in 
different parts of the Guidelines into an accessible and useful set of 


Sebastian Rahtz wrote:

>> 1) For the things that need immediate fix in P5 (e.g. datatypes et.al)
>>   Lou promised to write a position paper by the end of the year.
>>   This could serve as a base for decisions in a tight time-frame.   
>> personography per se would be out of scope for this.
> That depends on the scope of what Lou proposes to write
> about. Just datatypes is not enough. I don't think we should
> persist for another year with anomalies like half the personography
> elements being in corpus, for example, and the lack of a death

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