[tei-council] datatypes again: make data.key a URI

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Nov 1 13:34:46 EST 2005

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> James Cummings wrote:
>>What if my key has characters not allowed by URI's (I've not checked
>>what the restrictions on that since I'm still in Sofia).
> you can use encoding in URIs if needed, eg for spaces

ok.  I'm easily convinced by that.

>>What if I want to give the <person> element a key to my database but I
>>want to also give it an xml:id for other purposes?
> eh? thats not the same issue. Lou is talking about <rs>, not <person>

erm yeah. typo, blame it on being in a Sofia pub.  I meant <rs 
key="#databaseKey" xml:id="someDocumentIDScheme">foo</rs>

Isn't it at all likely that I'll want to apply both rather than have 
to choose between them?


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