[tei-council] Re: The Naming of Classes

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Oct 10 08:55:57 EDT 2005

There seems to have been little dissent from the proposals of edw87a, 
which Council was asked to comment on a week or so ago.

I've therefore now implemented the renamings for all existing classes as 
defined in edw87a (which maybe should replace the existing edw87 to 
avoid confusion). I have also tested that we can still generate valid 
schemas, and run the test suite. This is quite a big job and there may 
well be a bit of mopping up to do in the next day or two. But I think we 
now at least have a basically consistent and defensible naming system in 
place, on top of which we can start implementing (and extending) the 
ideas discussed at the classes meeting (see tcm20 and edw92)

Sebastian and I hope to use this is a basis for a new candidate release 
of P5 to be available in time for the members meeting. We'll announce 
that at the start of next week, all being well.

One major outstanding task is completion of the datatype changes, on 
which Syd has been beavering away over the last few days, so I am 
optimistic that this can be completed on the same timescale.

At the moment, the new version is in CVS, but to make everything work 
you also need to update your ODD stylesheet package to the latest 
version (using Debian it's easy!).



Syd Bauman wrote:
>>I don't doubt that it would be consistent, but it seems mad to have
>>camelCasing AND dots AND hyphens to do token separation in
>>different circumstances
> I see the point, but I'm thinking of "p-like" as a single hyphenated
> word.
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