[tei-council] TEI relaxng schemas, pattern names

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Mon Oct 3 21:21:38 EDT 2005

>  _TEI_div = element div {div.content,div.attributes}
>  div.content =  _TEI_p+

Wouldn't that really have to be

  _TEI_div = element div { _TEI_div.content, _TEI_div.attributes }
  _TEI_div.content =  _TEI_p+

(Actually, isn't "div" already a reserved pattern in RelaxNG, like
"start" or "element"?)

> Question: should I make this standard for our output? It means the
> schemas are less legible, but makes them more portable.

I think I'm mildly in favor. I'm not sure it's really all that
important, and (as someone who does read the schemas quite a bit) I
can see it being annoying, but other than that it can't hurt, and it
really might help someone at some point down the road quite a bit.

However, I think it a good idea that the "_TEI_" (or whatever)
prefixes *not* show up in the snippets in the Guidelines.

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