[tei-council] Datatypes.... continued

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Mon Oct 3 11:55:16 EDT 2005

> I thought one of our baselines was compatibility with DTD so far as
> possible? 

Compatibility, yes; equivalent level of constraint, no. We have
always understood that there are constraints modern schema languages
can provide that DTDs can't. E.g., DTDs cannot express dates, times,
numbers, etc., yet we use them to constrain our attribute values.

> what would your code degrade into?

CDATA, just as we had in P4.

The much harder question is how will your odd2dtd process recognize
this as something it cannot translate to DTD-language, and thus needs
to spit out as CDATA? To that I have no good answer. (How does it do
this with, say, tei.data.temporal?)

> really? I didn't realize. Fine, that's easy to create from a
> valList if it is so instantiated. You'd have to change the syntax
> of valList, obviously.

So we'd need something like <valList quantity="oneOrMore"> or
<valList org="list"> or some such?

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