[tei-council] Datatypes.... continued

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Mon Oct 3 09:36:10 EDT 2005

> >If we don't want to mimic the syntax P4 used, fine, but it will be
> >awfully hard to come up with a system that permits the various
> >combinations P4 allowed. I'll wonder aloud if it would be
> >difficult to add the capability to <valList> to permit one or
> >more, rather than just one, from the list.
> >
> how could this work in DTD-land? does it even work in Relax?
> Obviously, if you know the target notation, making valList do it is
> easy....

It would not work in DTD-land; never has, never will. As for RelaxNG,
I don't quite understand the question. I know I can write RelaxNG
patterns that do this:

  attribute place { list { ( "inline" | "supralinear" | "infralinear" |
                           "left" | "right" | "top" | "bottom" |
                           "opposite" | "verso" | "middle" | "center"
                           | "margin" )+ }} # or whatever the list of
                                            # values is

but whether we can translate a <valList> into such a pattern or not
... well, I don't see why not, really, but I leave that to your

At one point in EDW90 I recommended a somewhat more complex pattern
(list of lists, essentially) that provides additional useful
constraint, but for which it would be even harder to build a
general-purpose mechanism, and is probably not worth it.

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