[tei-council] datatypes: outstanding questions

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Sep 25 12:06:03 EDT 2005

Syd Bauman wrote:
> Hmmm... I don't know enough about encoding of different hands in
> manuscripts to say whether the precise (tei.data.count) or vague
> (above) suggestion is better, but if we go with the vague, we can't
> have spaces in the values. (Enumerations are the ident= of <valItem>,
> and ident= is a tei.data.ident, which can't have a space.)

It seems obvious that it is possible for the number of hands in a 
manuscript to either a) but uncountable in any reliable sense or b) 
debateable.  I would be nervous of having to say how many hands a 
particular manuscript contains.  However, if instead this attribute 
really means how many hands the electronic version of the document has 
  recorded/identify, then that is perfectly fine and I have no problem 
with it being a fixed value.


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