[tei-council] Re: on spec grp 2, datatypes normalized

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Sun Sep 25 09:38:11 EDT 2005

> It is a timespan, put not a point in time. This problem raises its
> head regularily when trying to express a Chinese year in ISO, which
> should then be rendered as 1900-02-17 to 1901-01-29. Any idea how
> this could be expressed on @value for date?

This is easily represented in ISO 8601 with one of 
   or, if parties have agreed to use the alternative format
or any one of lots of variations if you drop the "0Y", use
week-numbers instead of dates, or express the period in days instead
of months & days, etc.

However, I do not think W3C permits any of these representation of
ranges in their datatypes. (They use notBefore= and notAfter=, I
think.) I don't know, but I would not be surprised if they're lack of
support is because implementing this is a pain.

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