[tei-council] datatype issues (part 1)

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Wed Sep 21 07:50:51 EDT 2005

The trouble with right truncation, then, is that you have to know the 
time zone before you know how to interpret the time? and the timezone 
indicator is the rightmost part being truncated?

Duh! they should have put the time zone indicator FIRST!

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> James Cummings wrote:
>><q> Right truncated formats are also, in general, not permitted for
>>the datatypes defined in this specification with the following
>>exceptions: right-truncated representations of dateTime are used as
>>lexical representations for date, gMonth, gYear.</q>
>>It seems silly to allow it for date, gMonth, and gYear, but not for
>>time.  I understand there is a minor benefit in implementations, but
>>the same type of logic has to exist for processing right-truncated
>>date as time, so don't see that it is much of a saving.  *shrug* Oh
>>well, I'm sure more able brains than mine have thought this through...
> I just shouted at two W3C folks about this and they shrugged their
> shoulders and said "well you should see the problems timezones cause" :-}

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