[tei-council] where is the HOWTO?

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Jul 13 14:27:23 EDT 2005

"Welcome back, Syd"
Thank you. Sorry for being out-of-touch. Due to a pretty poorly timed
and annoyingly long (6 hrs) power outage in my home town, and a few
other circumstances, I basically haven't read e-mail since Monday. So
if this has been dealt with or answered already, my apologies. Also,
I see that there are several postings to this list since then, which
I will be trying to get to over the next few days.

James -- where is the canonical version of your "HOWTO Build P5" (aka
"CVS ReadMe") document? There is a copy at ../Council/tcw06.xml, but

a) I have a vague recollection that you or Lou moved it elsewhere,

b) When I load that file, Cocoon has transformed it from what I
   believe is supposed to be TEI P5 into plain text (wrapped in
   <html></html>), rather than lovely styled HTML. I suspect this
   means there is an error in the encoding, at least as far as
   Sebastian's stylesheet is concerned. The only error I notice at
   first glance is an id= that should be an xml:id=, but I don't
   think that would break the stylesheet.

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