[tei-council] another agenda item

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Jun 26 16:27:43 EDT 2005

Syd Bauman wrote:

>One thing missing here is the issue of where bug fixes fit in. It makes 
>sense for the editors to be able to push out file releases of this sort 
>without pestering the Council.
yes; it needs  articulating what a "release" is. I think the council
should approve release 1.0 and 1.1, but that the editors can release
1.1.1 and 1.1.2

>We also haven't distinguish between the fairly frequent "releases"
>that happen as we make minor updates (especially within the
>development process) and the more formal increments (e.g. P5.1, P6,
>etc.). It seems to me that the Council should be directly involved in
>the major updates (e.g., new chapter, significant change to class
>system, etc.), and not involved in the minor development updates or
>bug-fix updates. Not so sure about the intermediate ones.
I agree. It's just slightly hard to be sure how to classify some changes

>>(since only #1 is really a Release").
>I don't think #1 is a release -- it's the current work repository. #2
>is the only thing that is really a "release" at the moment
yes, my typo. I meant "#2"

>I'd propose that in this pre-release
>protion of P5's lifecycle, pretty much any significant change
>(including bug fixes) that results in a self-consistent, self-
>validating, working version of the Guidelines should trigger a new
>release on Sourceforge. 
I could buy that. If its OK that this could happen every week or two
at times.

>Personally I would like to see 3 & 4 follow 2 fairly quickly; i.e.,
>shortly (hopefully measured in minutes to hours) after a new
>Sourceforge file release is made available, that version is
>propagated to the TEI website, both as HTML and in the eXist
agreed.  they need much better automation

>I presume that our build process all but requires that 5 follow 1.
not sure I follow that? can you expand?

Sebastian Rahtz      
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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