[tei-council] more on internationalization

Christian Wittern wittern at kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Mon May 23 18:48:40 EDT 2005

Julia Flanders <Julia_Flanders at Brown.edu> writes:

> To identify the translators, would it be worth our posting a call on
> TEI-L, announcing the proposal and indicating that we're seeking
> translators who would be willing to contribute some time (i.e. they'd
> get paid, but probably not fully for what their time is worth)? and
> also reviewers? Or would we prefer to identify translators
> ourselves?

I think one way to proceed would to form a subcommitee (not necessary
only from the Council) for handling this and leave the details on how
to proceed to them.  However, we should define our requirements before,
e.g. what languages we want to cover etc. 


 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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