[tei-council] CVS README

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Fri Apr 15 11:38:28 EDT 2005

At the last conference call I was asked to write a README file for the CVS 
copy of P5.  Below is my first draft (text then XML since attachments seem 
to bounce); any corrections or suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
I know there is a lot one could add, but I thought I'd keep it simple to 



   This file contains some basic information about the files included in the
   P5 module, and what can be generated from them. The Source/ folder is by
   far the most important. This contains the source files for the  P5 version
   of the TEI Guidelines and Schema. These are organised in folders by chapter
   of the Guidelines, and each contain one or more file in ODD (One Document
   Does it all) format. This is an XML format developed by the TEI for
   creating guidelines and schema.

_Generating Other Formats_

   A Makefile is provided to generate HTML versions of the guidelines, DTDs
   and schemas, amongst various other possibilities. There are a number of
   variables that one can change at the beginning of the Makefile. These are:

   This is the eXist server storing TEI files used by the 'fasicule' target.
   You must have internet access to this target. By default this is:    

   This is the default location under which you wish to install files
   locally if you use the 'install' target. By default this is: /usr/local/tei

* XSL: 
   This is the location of the XSLT stylesheets required for the
   transformation of ODD files. By default this is a URL pointing to:    
   <http://www.tei-c.org/stylesheet >
   however, if you want to use a local copy of the stylesheets you may wish to
   change this. Possible options include the folder for the CVS copy of the
   stylesheets, or /usr/share/xml/tei/stylesheet which is the location used by
   the debian package for TEI stylesheets.
   The makefile has a number of requirements, these include internet access
   (or a local copy of the stylesheets), and up-to-date versions of the perl,
   jing, trang, xmllint and xsltproc programs. If you do not have these
   installed then many of the make targets will not work. Fortunately, there
   is a target which will check to make sure you have these installed: 'make check'.

_Makefile Targets_

* Check: 
Usage: "make check"

   This target checks to see whether you have perl, jing, trang, xmllint and
   xsltproc installed.

* Default: 
Usage: "make"

   This is the default target and creates the TEI P5 DTDs, Schemas and HTML
   version of the Guidelines.

* Convert: 
Usage: "make convert"

   This target creates the both TEI P5 DTDs and Schemas.

* DTDs: 
Usage: "make dtds"

   This target creates DTDs for TEI P5 in the DTD/ folder.

* Schemas: 
Usage: "make schemas"

   This target creates RelaxNG Schemas for TEI P5 in the Schema/ folder.

* HTML: 
Usage: "make html"

   This target creates an HTML version of the TEI Guidelines in the
   Guidelines/ folder.

* XML: 
Usage: "make xml"

   This target creates a TEI P5 XML version of the Guidelines as
   Guidelines.xml in the current (P5) folder.

* Split: 
Usage: "make split"

   This target creates a set of TEI P5 XML files that are a version of the
   Guidelines split into chapters, in the split/ folder.

* exist: 
Usage: "make exist"

   This target updates a locally running copy of the eXist XML database with
   the TEI files. The files are added via the SOAP interface and the database
   is assumed to be running at:  <http://localhost:8080/>

* Clean: 
Usage: "make clean"

   This target removes most of the files created by the other targets.

* Install: 
Usage: "make install"

   This target installs a separate local copy of the DTDs, Schema, and HTML
   version of the guidelines under the file path given by the PREFIX variable.

Revised:  2005/04/10  by  jamesc


And the XML version:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="file:/usr/share/doc/tei-teaching/samples/tei.rng" type="xml"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<title>CVS P5 README File</title>
<p>A README file for the CVS P5 release of the Text
Encoding Initiative guidelines and schema. </p>
<p>Born Digital.</p>
<date>$Date: 2005/04/10 $</date>
<name>$Author: jamesc $</name>
<item>Initial composition of file.</item>
<head>README for TEI P5 CVS</head>
    This file contains some basic information about the files included in the
    P5 module, and what can be generated from them. The Source/ folder is by
    far the most important. This contains the source files for the  P5 version
    of the TEI Guidelines and Schema. These are organised in folders by chapter
    of the Guidelines, and each contain one or more file in ODD (One Document
    Does it all) format. This is an XML format developed by the TEI for
    creating guidelines and schema.
<head>Generating Other Formats</head>
    A Makefile is provided to generate HTML versions of the guidelines, DTDs
    and schemas, amongst various other possibilities. There are a number of
    variables that one can change at the beginning of the Makefile. These are:
<list type="unordered">
    This is the eXist server storing TEI files used by the 'fasicule' target.
    You must have internet access to this target. By default this is: 
    <ref target="http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Query/">http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Query/</ref>
    This is the default location under which you wish to install files
    locally if you use the 'install' target. By default this is: /usr/local/tei
    This is the location of the XSLT stylesheets required for the
    transformation of ODD files. By default this is a URL pointing to: 
    <ref target="http://www.tei-c.org/stylesheet">http://www.tei-c.org/stylesheet </ref>
    however, if you want to use a local copy of the stylesheets you may wish to
    change this. Possible options include the folder for the CVS copy of the
    stylesheets, or /usr/share/xml/tei/stylesheet which is the location used by
    the debian package for TEI stylesheets. 
    The makefile has a number of requirements, these include internet access
    (or a local copy of the stylesheets), and up-to-date versions of the perl,
    jing, trang, xmllint and xsltproc programs. If you do not have these
    installed then many of the make targets will not work. Fortunately, there
    is a target which will check to make sure you have these installed: 'make check'.
<list type="unordered">
<head>Makefile Targets</head>
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make check</hi>
    This target checks to see whether you have perl, jing, trang, xmllint and
    xsltproc installed. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make</hi>
    This is the default target and creates the TEI P5 DTDs, Schemas and HTML
    version of the Guidelines. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make convert</hi>
    This target creates the both TEI P5 DTDs and Schemas. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make dtds</hi>
    This target creates DTDs for TEI P5 in the DTD/ folder. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make schemas</hi>
    This target creates RelaxNG Schemas for TEI P5 in the Schema/ folder. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make html</hi>
    This target creates an HTML version of the TEI Guidelines in the
    Guidelines/ folder. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make xml</hi>
    This target creates a TEI P5 XML version of the Guidelines as
    Guidelines.xml in the current (P5) folder. 
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make split</hi>
    This target creates a set of TEI P5 XML files that are a version of the
    Guidelines split into chapters, in the split/ folder.
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make exist</hi>
    This target updates a locally running copy of the eXist XML database with
    the TEI files. The files are added via the SOAP interface and the database
    is assumed to be running at:  <ref target="http://localhost:8080/">http://localhost:8080/</ref>
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make clean</hi>
    This target removes most of the files created by the other targets.
<item>Usage: <hi rend="bold">make install</hi>
    This target installs a separate local copy of the DTDs, Schema, and HTML
    version of the guidelines under the file path given by the PREFIX variable.


Dr James Cummings, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk 

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