[tei-council] new look TEI web site

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Mar 1 16:03:05 EST 2005

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> James Cummings wrote:
>> - The png logo seems to have disappeared? I know it is attached as a 
>> background image in the CSS...but you get an error from Cocoon saying
>> it can't find it in eXist. http://www.tei-c.org.uk/logos/TEI-glow.png
> I don't get any error, sorry

Screenshots sent offlist to prove I'm not going crazy. ;-)

> I am hoping someone will tell me how to do this in Tomcat...

For some reason using Realms, as the tomcat user guide seems to suggest,
does seem like overkill. 

I vaguely recall that there is a way to do session-based authentication 
in eXist entirely in the sitemap with <map:act> or some such.  (You set 
the use up as a user in eXist, and then try to log into that via the 
sitemap, and only that user has rights to read that particular 
collection.)  Would that kind of system be suitable?
Quickly looking up a reference: http://www.exist-db.org/security.html#N1021D

> as you know, I am used to this from our work, so I find it difficult to 
> get new designs in my head.

Well, I *like* the way the oucs pages work... it is just switching 
between the two systems I don't like.  (Though I'm not entirely 
convinced by the choice of yellow (for logo or for page background)...
but my tastes certainly not the most mainstream.)


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