[tei-council] Update on my whereabouts and apologies for missing last conf-call

Alejandro Bia alex.bia at ua.es
Wed Dec 1 22:00:23 EST 2004

Dear TEI-C members:

A recent email by Christian Wittern reminded me I have news to tell, though 
I never find the time to write them down.

Recently I've changed my affiliation. Now I'm a full time lecturer at 
another local university, but I still keep my links with the library as an 
honorary consultant. My new working conditions are better (higher salary, 
more time for research, better future possibilities, and last but not 
least: more freedom), but I still have my heart at the Cervantes D.L.

I currently spend half of the week at the new university, and the other 
half at the old one, since I'm still involved in long term research 
projects at U. Alicante, and belong to a research group there. At a point I 
will have to be more selective and reduce or eliminate some activities. 
Time will tell.

The new university (Miguel Hernández University), has four campuses spread 
along the province of Alicante. It is really new (8 years old), and there 
is more potential for growth there. Now I'm teaching software engineering, 
and next semester project management and web environment design (all are 
topics I like and enjoy to teach).

I regret to have missed the conf-call of last Monday. I was traveling to 
Madrid where I gave a talk on good practices and recommendations for 
starting digitization projects at the National Library. People is 
increasingly getting interested in digitization and web publishing there. I 
tried to enthused them with Spanish flavored TEI and teiPublisher.

The pace is hectic, but I'm quite happy...


e-mail: abia at umh.es

   Departamento de Estadística y Matemática Aplicada
   Universidad Miguel Hernández
   Edificio Torretamarit
   Avenida de la Universidad s/n, E-03202, Elche, ESPAÑA
   Tel: +34 966658542
   Fax: +34 966658715
   Teléfono móvil: +34 610806427


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