[tei-council] TEI Council telephone conference on Monday, Nov 29th, 2004 at 1300 UTC

Christian Wittern wittern at kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Nov 24 23:49:12 EST 2004

TEI Council Members and Editors:

This is the agenda for the conference call the TEI Council will
hold later this coming Monday, Nov 29th, 2004 at 1300 UTC.

Please read through the following, in advance of the call.  

INSTRUCTIONS for conference call:

US participants can dial a toll-free number:


Once you're connected, dial 239046# and you should be connected shortly.

Participants from outside the US will have to make a long-distance call to the US:
+1 416 695 7870
and then follow the same instructions.

Expected members to participate:

Syd Bauman, Alejandro Bia, David Birnbaum, Lou Burnard, Matthew
Driscoll, David Durand, Julia Flanders, Sebastian Rahtz, Laurent
Romary, Natasha Smith, Susan Schreibman, Edward Vanhoutte, Perry
Willett, Christian Wittern.

Welcome to participate are also 
James Cummings and John Walsh


8 items, not more than 15 minutes apiece.


1) Review of the minutes from the call of Sep. 20th (10 min)

   Minutes of the meeting are at
   http://www.tei-c.org/Council/tcm13.html. Review of action items,

2) Short report from the MM2004 (5 min, Lou Burnard)


3) Sanskrit taskforce report  (10 min):
  Please read  


4) Rollcall on the active WGs (15 min) : 

  Standoff (SOW09), Manuscripts, Feature Structures, Physical Bibliography,
  Meta Language


5) xml-colon-thing (15 min)
   How should xml:id, xml:lang be handled? See the discussion on
   tei-council in the last weeks. 


6) Development of stylesheets

   What role do the stylesheets Sebastian is currently maintaining
   play for the TEI?  Should the TEI charge an effort for revising
   them?  For creating documentation? Should some of the practice
   (values for @rend, table formatting, new attributes ) be integrated
   into the Guidelines? and similar questions should be considered.


7) Other business  (5 minutes)


8) Meetings: (5 minutes)

   Council meeting next year ? when, where


 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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