Betr.:: Re: Conference call, Meeting

Edward Vanhoutte edward.vanhoutte at
Thu Dec 18 09:24:35 EST 2003

> Option 1:  Meeting in Genf, around May 13-15 (or even earlier as needed)

May in Gent is fine. 

b) if you are attending ALLC 
> Option 2:  June 7-8 in Goeteborg 
> Option 3:  June 17-18 in Goeteborg

I am attenden ALLC, but meeting before or after ALLC is problematic for me. Because of budget reasons I had to book my ticket for Gothenburg last week and do not have extra days on both sides. 

> c) if you would prefer to meet in Gent. 
> Yes, not surprisingly


Edward Vanhoutte
Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB)
Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies
Reviews Editor, Literary & Linguistic Computing
Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde
Koningstraat 18 / b-9000 Gent / Belgium

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