P5 announcement on TEI-L?

Tomaz Erjavec tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si
Tue Nov 25 08:45:38 EST 2003

Sebastian Rahtz writes:
 > Can anyone spot any flaws in the following?
 > 7. What is the timetable?
 >   December 2004: public call for small changes

Spotted: 2003

 >   January 2004: complete  revisions of internal language and seek 
 > council approval
 >   February/March 2004:  incorporate new/revised chapters
 >   April 2004: end of public call for small changes
 >   May 2004:  seek approval by council of new/revised chapters
 >   June-September 2004: public alpha review
 >   October 2004: public beta test
 >   December 2004: release of P5

This is somewhat off topic, but it occurs to me that a part of P5 (so,
at release) should be instructions on how to migrate from P4 - that is
the first thing most people adopting P5 could want to do.


<p> > -- 
 > Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>

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