Executive Director Tone Merete Bruvik back

Alois Pichler Alois.Pichler at aksis.uib.no
Wed Oct 1 08:05:27 EDT 2003

Dear members of the TEI-C Council

Today Tone Merete Bruvik, Executive Director of the TEI-C, is back in 
office. I have been her deputy from October 2002 to September 2003.

I have enjoyed working for the TEI-C and will continue to promote it, 
especially in the European context. Thank you very much for your 
cooperation and help.

<p>Best wishes

Alois Pichler

Project Director, Wittgenstein Archives http://www.hit.uib.no/wab

Allegaten 27, N-5007 Bergen, Norway, Tel: +47-55-589474   Fax: +47-55-589470

Forskningsgruppe for tekstteknologi / Research Group for Text Technology
Avdeling for kultur, språk og informasjonsteknologi (AKSIS) / Department of 
culture, language and information technology (AKSIS)
Unifob AS
Universitetet i Bergen / University of Bergen

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