ISO/TEI Feature Structure Activity

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at
Mon Jul 28 06:27:14 EDT 2003

I received this morning a draft for the revised version of the TEI
chapter on feature structures which is currently being groomed for
progress as an ISO standard by a work group of ISO TC 37/SC4, (or, from
the TEI perspective, by the Council's Workgroup on feature structures)

As TEI liaison person to the group, I have to report comments and vote
on the draft by October of this year. I would therefore very much
appreciate feedback from the Council or any other informed TEI persons
as soon as possible. Write to me or to the Council list as you see fit.
At the Council's last meeting, concern was raised about the short time
scale available for significant comments before the text goes into the
ISO mill, so there is a degree of urgency attached to this request.

I have just posted the draft, as I received it, on the TEI members-only
website at
If you need reminding of the password, please let me (not the list)

Note that this version requires you to install a Korean font on your
system: if you use Acrobat Reader v 6 and you're online at the time,
this will be done quasi-automatically for you. If you're not, it won't.
I've written to the editor of the draft asking for a less
internationalized version, and hope to have a fix shortly. Again, please
let me (not the list) know if this is a problem for you.


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