todays meeting

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at
Tue Jan 21 05:56:57 EST 2003

I am sorry, but I will not be joining in the conference
call, due to my inability to speak normally.

Some points from the agenda

Item 2. I am not sure this needs 15 minutes discussion. I think we   
should just mandate Lou and Syd to put it into operation and review its
workings in May

Item 3. This is a real frustration, that we have not arrived at a
decision on the New ODD language. This holds up the P5 work. I don't
have any great answer (see 7. below)

Item 6. I already gave some thoughts on this last night. I don't believe
it is the right way forward. First we need to decide whether the TEI
needs a chapter on graphs and trees; then we need to review the
literature to see what else is available; then (maybe) we work
out a language which maps to SVG. Patrick seems to want to dive
straight in at the end.

Item 7. How *do* we push this forward? I personally want to see

* a decision on how to rewrite the ODDs in a form which be used
to generate Schemas
* a framework in which we can review how the TEI components are
joined together
* a resolution of the namespace issue. do we hitch our wagon to that

I think the best that can be achieved is to set some short-term goals,
divide them out across the council, and aim for final decisions
and implementations in May

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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