again with the dates

Alejandro Bia alex.bia at
Mon Oct 21 03:19:24 EDT 2002

I cannot do it on:

        Monday the 11th
        Tuesday the 12th

at the time stated.


At 11:20 p.m. 20/10/02 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm sorry to say it, but the 29th of November is not going to work--at 
>least three of the people who ought to be on that call can't be, at that 
>time and day.  I also would like to apologize for the confusion I 
>introduced into earlier attempts to fix a date, through my errors of 
>time-adjustment, etc..  Since we do this infrequently, I would like to try 
>to get everyone on the call, if at all possible.  Let's try this again, then:
>Time of the conference call would be 1 pm UTC time, so, in London 1pm, in 
>Lubljana, Valencia, Bergen, 2 pm, in  Los Angeles 5 am, in Washington DC 
>and Pittsburgh 8 am, in Kyoto 10 pm.  I can never tell what time it is in 
>Indiana, so I leave that up to Perry to figure out.
>We didn't do so well with the end of the week, so let's try the 
>beginning.  Let me know which of these Monday and Tuesday dates in November 
>you *cannot* do, at the time given above:
>Monday the 11th
>Tuesday the 12th
>Monday the 18th
>Tuesday the 20th
>Monday the 25th
>Tuesday the 26th
e-mail: alex.bia at

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