drop dead date for TEI CD for Tubingen

Geoffrey Rockwell grockwel at mcmaster.ca
Thu Jun 27 17:28:23 EDT 2002

Dear Sebastian,

Can you put the instructions for tei/emacs on OS X?


Geoffrey R.

>I am aiming to finish the next release of the TEI/XML CD
>this weekend, for distribution at Tubingen.
>any special requests? it has most of the TEI web site,
>a slew of XML software, sample texts, and back issues of TEI-L
>and TEI-TECH.
>if any of you want to burn a copy and play, I can put up an
>image somewhere tomorrow
>Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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