conference call (fwd)

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at
Tue Jun 25 07:34:08 EDT 2002

> Does this has to be an either or?  With something as complex and
> diverse as the TEI set of DTDs, I can't really see how a review could
> provide much more than a general thumbs up or down.

it can give an impression of coverage. ie "I was able
to add a new menu for my project in about 1 hour and 50 lines
of Visual Basic" is surely interesting? or "they rely on
unchanged CSS for display so you can do TEI figures"?

> The needs I have
> differ substantially from the average TEI user (if such an animal
really? are you _sure_ you dont fit some sort of pattern?

> happy to provide the necessary files for a test suite that check for
> all kinds of CJK compatibility.  While it might not be feasable in the
> short term, I hope that we can keep the production of a test suite as
> a future work item.  

yes, we need test suites for other reasons than reviewing commercial
software ...

> Sebastian brought up, among other things, interoperation with W3C
> standards.  Has there been any further discussion about that?
if only...

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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