Fwd: Preliminary Report

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at brown.edu
Fri May 3 19:29:43 EDT 2002

I haven't read the preliminary report carefully, but gave it a quick
scan, and overall it looks good. Nice to have something in hand.
Thanks to the subcommittee (how did Stuart get on it? Did I sleep
through that? If so, wake me up) for the work and Geoff for writing
it up. I'll try to give it a more thorough reading soon. In the
meantime, Two quicky (and somewhat trivial) fixes jumped off the page
(screen) at me:

<p>> III. General SGML/XML/Markup training
> ...
> ------------------------------------
> 3. "A Gentle Introduction to SGML" from M S-MQ is at
> http://www-tei.uic.edu/orgs/tei/sgml/teip3sg/index.html

In general, the editors take joint credit for work they've done on
the Guidelines, but if recollection serves, Lou is actually the main
author of this chapter. The URL given, although not dead, is dis-
tinctly outdated. Better to use


for P3's "A Gentle Introduction to SGML" (I don't know whether it's
the 1994 or 1999 edition of P3, though, but I'm not sure there were
any changes to that chapter, anyway), and


for P4's "A Gentle Introduction to XML".

<p>> ------------------------------------
> 2. Sydney Bauman at:

Not even my mother calls me "Sydney". Not even when she's mad. :-)

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