Fwd: Re: TEI call for participation

John Unsworth jmu2m at virginia.edu
Tue Feb 26 15:33:36 EST 2002

Another excellent volunteer.


>Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 14:46:07 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
>From: Natalia Smith <nsmith at email.unc.edu>
>To: tei at tei-c.org
>cc: John Unsworth <jmu2m at virginia.edu>, nsmith at email.unc.edu
>Subject: Re: TEI call for participation
>X-X-Sender: nsmith at imap.unc.edu
>Good afternoon:
>I would like to volunteer as participant in the NEH-funded project as
>representative of a large ongoing project, Documenting the American South,
>and as a person with extensive experience of working with TEI.
>+ "Documenting the American South" (http://docsouth.unc.edu/) includes
>some 150,000 pages of pristine TEI/SGML encoded materials, all following
>recommendations for Level 4 encoding of the TEI in Libraries Guidelines.
>+ All six chapters of DocSouth gained national and international acclaim
>for the content as well as the consistency of the encoded data; highlights
>include "Slave Narratives" (NEH-funded project) and "First-Person
>Narratives" (Winner of  LC/Ameritech NDL Competition).
>*My qualifications*:
>+ Head of Digitization Section, manages the production of DocSouth
>+ 6 years of extensive experience working with TEI/SGML (after attending
>CETH Summer seminar in 1995)
>+ Member of the NDLF Task Force charged with creating "TEI Text Encoding
>in Libraries" guidelines, endorsed by the DLF
>+ I represent UNC-Chapel Hill in the TEI-C
>Please let me know if I need to provide any additional information.
>All the best, Natasha
>Natalia (Natasha) Smith
>Digitization Librarian
>Wilson Library, CB#3918
>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
>email: natalia_smith at unc.edu
>tel. (919) 962-9590
>fax (919) 962-4452

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