John Unsworth jmu2m at
Fri Feb 1 18:07:17 EST 2002

At 12:16 PM 2/1/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Lee Ellen Friedland

....was also a candidate in the recent elections, and it might be nice to 
go back to her with an alternate means of involvement in the 
Consortium.  She has experience, as Perry points out, and she meets the 
criterion Sebastian suggests, in that she has a stake in solving the 
problem.  I haven't been in a committee setting with her, but my guess is 
that she would be likely to get things done, and make sure that others did 
as well.  And since the "large repository" problem is more a library 
problem than anything else, an LOC person makes sense in terms of 
community.  And NEH would probably be happy with the choice.

So, in order to move this along: any objections to asking Lee Ellen to 
chair this workgroup?


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