Council's questions for the Board

John Unsworth jmu2m at
Wed Jan 16 15:18:16 EST 2002

Two questions for decision by the Board emerged from the TEI Council 
meeting last Saturday:  please vote yes or no on each question.

1.  Should TEI Council members have access to the Members-only section of 
the TEI web site?

The argument in favor is that there is information there that the Council 
might well need in order to do its job.  The argument against was less 
clear to me, at least--but I think it turned on the fact that TEI Council 
members don't necessarily have to be subscribers or constituents of member 

2. Should the TEI trademark its name?

The question arose in connection with the discussion of certification of 
services, validation of data, etc., and the argument was that trademarking 
would protect "The Text Encoding Initiative" as a label controlled by the 
Consortium.  I've a query into the lawyer here about whether he might help 
with this, but I also know that it can be done online, at a cost of about $125.

So, please register an opinion on each question.  Thanks,



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