Re: You asked for it!

Erik Hoogcarspel (
Mon, 11 Aug 1997 21:27:08 +0100

Op 11-aug-97 schreef

>First of all, ad hominem remarks have no place on a philosophic page.
>Second of all, I am also a chemist, as well as a philosopher. IF the laws of
>physics as we know them hold true, and the big bang/big crunch theory is
>true, then the ER must be true. The law of inertia states also that an
>object in motion remains at the same velocity (speed & direction) until acted
>on by an outside force. As such, when the universe expands, there is nothing
>ahead of the last body, therefore all bodies continue on a straight path
>(classical mechanics), and on the crunch, the bodies that crunch together
>would create a large source of gravity, and thus would pull all bodies
>straight towards it. Since we have the law of definate proportion, and the
>law of conservation of mass and energy, and the law of inertia, it wouldn't
>be logical to deny the ER without denying one of these laws. If you want to
>deny one of the physical laws, I wish you luck on your Ph.D. thesis.

apparantly it's impossible to take part in a gay and a dull science at the
same time
what are you nagging about truth? read the introduction in BGE!


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