Dianne mouton

Correa&Correa (lambdac@globalserve.net)
Sun, 10 Aug 1997 23:25:55 -0500

Dean of the mountain goats wrote-

>However, it is not
>irrelevant that Nietzsche does not have an experience where he is
>confronted with or accepts the subjectivity of (a) woman. She *must*
>remain imaginary. A real woman would deprive us of the symbol of at least
>Ariadne, if one believes Krell, and at worst, laughter.

>Irigary's complaint is reasonable. We are not imaginary. And Nietzsche
>is lovable, but only to a point. To go beyond that point is to subjugate
>the material reality of being female to the notion of a cosmic
>intelligence that is dominantely male. Real women could not laugh.

Yes, that is one of the problems in general with those _real_ women that crop up on this
list from time to time, when they have some homework to do: they cannot laugh. Tight
little asses, puckered lips, barren, and frigid to boot. Reasonably so. But also they
cannot think (often they replace thought with epileptic fits and allergic reactions). It
happens that they are already subjugated by an image of patriarchal "intelligence", which
they exhibit with seeming unawareness and in a carefree manner. Preparing for motherhood
and the production of surplus value...The subjected subjectivity of women. Molar women
where all becomings are but coming to be Male. What do you love but the Male image of your

Repetition of the same (with the express intent of making you sick) -

The campaign of REAL women against Nietzsche dates back to Lisbeth's campaign
against Lou, woman against woman. The series of women in N's life does not
begin and end with Mommy and Sis. It passes through Lou, Malvida, Mathilde,
Cosima and, yes, Ariadne, the double affirmation of the Dionysian path. Weird
stuff? What is more weird, Lou's corky breasts or Lisbeth's prosecution of Lou
all across Europe? Maybe Cosima's delusions about a competitor in N.'s heart -
Cosima, that priestess of Apollo!, are less mysogenic... Cosima = Ariadne, no
less! Who can believe this freudian sepsis?

Feminists do. REAL women that they are. And what is there which is not execrable in the
feminist movements? For very little decoding of the molar woman, for every little
woman-becoming we might have clinched, feminists seek a yet more complete image of the
politically correct woman, that spayed animal void of sexes but for a little procreation.

As for N., judge him not by the yardstick of Freud's hysterics, after all
"Nietzsche obéit d'abord à un besoin obscur et dont l'urgence expliquerait ses
réticences et ses faux pas: la nécessité de naître à lui-même de lui-même et
pour cela sa tendance à s'en remettre à une double présence, féminine et
virile" (Klossowski, P (1975) "Nietzsche et le cercle vicieux", p. 274).

His last words: "Ariadne, I love you".

Ariadne is more actual than your mouton- intellectualloid females can be real, mere symbols
of the PC invention of disparaging males.

Lambda Clit Dear

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