Re: Nietzsche group

(no name) ((no email))
Fri, 08 Aug 1997 14:36:14 EDT

All of this is hogwash. I can understand wanting to keep to one's
interpretations from one's own place of origin, but of all the aforementioned
studies of Nietzsche by American authors, save the ingenius work by
Nehamas, aren't really all that good. Kaufmann was far too hung up on
this notion of sublimation, for example... Danto seems to try to create a
analytic Nietzsche, which is really a frightening proposition, and as for
Mr. Schacht, he too tries to ascribe too much of a systemiatic brand of
thought upon Nietzsche. Of course, if you're an analytic trying to get
through Nietzsche, perhaps the Nietzsches found by these three writers,
and a number of other Americans (i.e. Maudmarie Clark, who is somewhat better
than the rest) would feed your with a nice analytic N.

If you want real, heavy-duty analysis and discussion, try out Martin Heidegger's
various works first, including his "The Word of Nietzsche: God is dead," found
in one of his short, collected essay type books -- the name of which
escapes me right now. Gilles Deleuze's "N and Philosophy" is perhaps the
seminal French text on Nietzsche, and, if you can find it, Pierre
Klossowski's text on N is supposedly fantastic. Excerpts of these three
writers and their thoughts on N can be found in David Allison's "The New
Nietzsche," which is a classic. Also, Foucault's piece entitled "Nietzsche,
Genealogy, History" (in Language, Counter-Memory and Practice) is important.
I would avoid Derrida's "Spurs," as one learns more about Derrida from it
than one does about N, until such a time as one has worked through some
of the other French writers -- it's just too difficult!

And finally, if you want a really good, very challenging reading, try out
Sarah Kofman's "Nietzsche and Metaphor." Very powerful stuff, but perhaps
the best reading I've seen, if one can get past the Freudian allusions.

So... here it is. Take it for what it's worth, and remember that you
got this for FREE. :)

john hartmann

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