the superficial greeks

henry sholar (
Mon, 09 Jun 1997 17:52:30 -0500 (EST)

RE: Steve's quote of the surface swimming greeks

it seems to me that they are indeed a naive and
pre-abstract bunch of thinkers.
it was plato who barely started a nefarious voyage
into any form of THEORIA,
and his short excursions, it seems to me,
still had to use the naive building blocks
of concrete languagewith metaphor, analogy and allusion
to concrete "stuff" in order for them to come up with
"ideas of" truth, goodness, beauty, etc.

in fact, the whole of the platonic dialogues can
be seen as a kind of synchronized swimming.

tho i'm not saying it is fill in the painting by
numbers (yet i could be saying that, given the
sacred view of numbers that jolted plato's gray matter...)

here's hoping i've blasphemed somebody's view of
"sweetness and light" :-)

kindest regards,

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