Re: ER as weltanschauung?

Ingrid Markhardt (
Fri, 06 Jun 97 08:33 CST

Just a comment on the ongoing discussion involving the painting analogy (which
perhaps fatally inserts a thread of Plato into the Heraclitean weave which
George's signature quotation refers us to):

George wrote,

> . . .In our study of the ancients we may
>come to an epiphany, which can be compared to the moment of a finished work
>of art. Once we reach an epiphany, or once we finish a work of art, that is
>not the end of it, but only the beginning. In both cases, we have "gone
>under," below the surface of tradition and deeper than we thought reality
>could go, and we want more. More importantly, we now know there is more. We
>"go under" to deeper depths of life that hide below "mere appearance." In
>other words, we start a new painting, only in this one we have "a yes, a
>no, a straight line, a goal."
>A man's maturity--consists in having found again the seriousness one had as
>a child, at play" ~ Nietzsche

"Going-under" in _The Gay Science_, in _Zarathustra_, in _The Will to Power_ &
elsewhere in Nietzsche, esp re the overman/superman and ER is quite often
the verb "untergehen" which means to sink, be wrecked, to founder, go to ruin,
perish, be lost or annihilated, become extinct, and not "going-under" or even
"undergoing" This is important both in terms of "creation"/affirmation, and in
terms of the "surface" which is to be allowed to veil the deeper depths. see
"Nietzsche Contra Wagner" at the end of _The Portable Nietzsche_ where he says
(this is from memory--I'm at work & away from my books)

"Oh those Greeks! They had the courage to stop at the surface. . . adorers of
appearances,. . . tones!"

Does this perhaps tuns the thread again slightly to a discussion of music,
tempo, rhythm...? a crucial element in _The Birth of Tragedy_, and the notion
of ER.

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