[sixties-l] All Out War in Colombia?

From: Ron Jacobs (rjacobs@zoo.uvm.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 08:27:06 EST

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    Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now, The Hour is Getting Late-All-Out War in Colombia?

            The recent suspension of peace talks in Colombia by the Colombian
    government has the terrible potential to bring US forces openly into a war
    in that country that can only truly be resolved when the rich no longer rob
    the poor. This turn of events seems closely linked not only to a renewed
    confidence in the ranks of the Colombian military thanks to the funding
    provided it by Plan Colombia, but also to the new warmongering in
    Washington. As even a casual reader of the news probably knows, both the
    Colombian military and certain elements in the US national security
    apparatus have wanted to destroy the revolutionary elements in Colombia for
    years. These same elements had hoped that this was their time.
            Up to this point in the civil war, much of the government's dirty work
    against the popular movements has been undertaken by the various
    paramilitary organizations. These organizations are comparable to the
    death squads that ran rampant in El Salvador during the 1980s and the
    various "counterterror" teams that killed thousands in southern Vietnam
    during America's war there. Although they receive surreptitious funding
    from various US and Colombian government agencies, these groups are not
    officially part of any government-sponsored military. This arrangement
    works out nicely for the official militaries in that they can keep their
    hands relatively clean by leaving the massacres of farmers and laborers and
    their leaders to the paramilitaries. In turn, once the massacres are
    complete in a particular area, the regular military can come in and take
    the territory, all the while denying any knowledge of the bloodshed that
    preceded them.
    This deniability is possible primarily because the United States military
    overseers conspire with the military in the pretense that there is no
    coordination between the military and the paramilitary groups-a
    coordination that is not merely due to circumstance, but is part of the
    government's battle plans. But isn't the government fighting the
    paramilitaries, as well, you may ask? The answer is no. If one explores
    the history of these organizations, s/he will discover that most of them
    grew out of individual soldiers' dissatisfaction with the limitations
    placed on them in the regular military. Indeed, many members of the
    paramilitaries are members of the regular military as well, much like many
    Klansmen in some parts of the United States are also members of police
    forces. It is very likely that the lines between the paramilitaries and
    the regular military will become blurred even further as the battle between
    the Colombian government and its opposition intensifies.
            In addition, as the military action on the ground intensifies,
    particularly between the anti-government FARC and the military, more and
    more noncombatants will find themselves under fire, whether they be
    indigenous folks, labor union members, human rights and social workers, or
    just people trying to make a living in this country where close to 50% of
    the population lives in poverty. Many of these same people have already
    seen their crops destroyed, their bodies poisoned and their land made
    barren by the fumigation going on in the country under the guise of the
    "war on drugs." Should the military conflict spiral out of control, there
    will be no room for those committed to bringing social and economic justice
    to Colombia via non-military means. Already, these forces are taking a
    back seat to the armed forces, much to the dismay of many progressive
    Colombians. This is what the Colombian military and the ruling oligarchy
    want. Why? Because then the US can justify an open intervention in
    Colombia's civil war--something it would have a difficult time doing even
    in today's warmongering climate. Right now, uniformed US forces can
    operate in an advisory manner only and must leave any fighting up to the
    Colombians and various mercenary forces contracted by the CIA. This is why
    it is very important for all those opposed to US intervention in Colombia
    to band together and demand a cessation of all US military, CIA, DEA and
    other meddling in the Andes region, whether it is under the guise of
    fighting drugs, guerrillas, or defending oil pipelines.

            Like a friend of mine said over the holidays as we watched the news: the
    United States attack on Afghanistan has made it okay for any country that
    the US supports to forgo long bouts of diplomacy and go straight to war as
    long as that attacking government says they are fighting terrorism. It's
    even handier if they can throw in a phrase or two that speaks of defending
    democracy. Indeed, GW recently asked for another $100 million to train
    Colombian forces to protect US oil pipelines and provide US air support for
    these troops. This means that the US has taken the mask off and will no
    longer distinguish between its counternarcotics and counterinsurgency
    efforts in Colombia. Indeed, from the North American perspective, it seems
    like the FARC wants war as much as the Colombian government, especially in
    light of the plane hijacking on February 20, 2002. What is not apparent to
    us, however, (primarily because the US media does not report it), is that
    the government and paramilitary forces have never stopped attacking and
    killing the guerrillas and the civilians who live in the areas held by the
    FARC. So, when we hear of a spectacular action by the guerrilla forces, it
    is usually in response to an action by the US-supported forces that is not
    reported in our media.
            There are several groups in North America working against the US presence
    in Colombia. In recent weeks some of them have stepped up their work and
    are asking individuals to join them at their meetings. Current projects
    include mobilizing for a week of protest and lobbying in Washington, DC in
    April and organizing a variety of actions around the continent to raise
    people consciousness about the war in Colombia. Now that the peace talks
    are suspended and all-oout war seems to be on the horizon, these efforts
    are certain to increase. Please consider joining them.
    -ron jacobs

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