[sixties-l] Horowitz takes own the radical left

From: radman (resist@best.com)
Date: Tue Mar 20 2001 - 01:30:33 EST

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    Horowitz takes own the radical left


    by Linda Bowles
    March 20, 2001

    David Horowitz's parents were both dedicated communists. It was not
    surprising that he became a liberal activist, joined the Black Panthers,
    and led raucous protests against the Vietnam war while he was a student at
    the University of California, Berkeley. Later in life, Horowitz reasoned
    his way out of the ideological thicket in which his mind had been ensnared.
    He wrote a book, "Radical Son," which details why and how he freed himself.
    What once was said of ex-communist Whittaker Chambers is also true of
    Horowitz: "He did not return from hell empty-handed."
    The point is that Horowitz understands the radical left and has become a
    warrior fighting against it. Recently he attempted to place an ad in a
    number of college newspapers, presenting "Ten Reasons Why Reparations for
    Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks, and Racist Too."
    Although the ad is well reasoned and factually based, most college papers
    would not print it, and several of the few who did were harassed and
    threatened into apologizing for doing so. However, Horowitz succeeded in
    making his point that free speech is not alive and well on most American
    campuses. The First Amendment right to free speech does not apply to talk
    liberal intellectuals do not wish to hear.
    In today's America, college campuses are the most dangerous places to
    express contrary opinions. Even professors had better watch their mouths to
    be sure they do not utter conservative blasphemy. And they can forget about
    doing research which might prove some liberal tenet is not factually
    correct. Liberal doctrine does not permit scientific challenge of liberal
    creeds about race, religion, sexual orientation and politics.
    What is true on campus is also true throughout our society. You are free to
    say whatever you want, only so long as it is "politically correct" and
    passes muster with the liberal establishment.
    For example, the institution of homosexuality may not be challenged. If you
    dare suggest that a male lusting after another male might not be as
    American as apple pie, or as natural as springtime, you are a homophobe.
    The issue is not open for discussion.
    Race, quotas and affirmative action are also off-limits. If you politely
    offer the opinion that merit rather than color or sex should be the basis
    for decisions on employment, pay, promotion and admission to universities,
    you have immediately identified yourself as a white-sheeted, racist bigot.
    And if some man scratches his head, and wonders out loud that maybe
    husbands have some rights where abortion is concerned, he is a chauvinist
    brute who doesn't understand what it means to be a woman. Until I heard so
    many of my gender take that position, I never dreamed so many women
    believed in Immaculate Conception.
    Just between you and me, I have some reservations about sending a child to
    a government school, a place arrogant enough to tell the Creator of the
    universe to keep out, but I would not say so out loud for fear of being
    labeled an ignorant, religious fanatic.
    Then, there is welfare reform, which liberals assert is a code term used to
    attack minorities and foster racial hatred. Liberal politicians don't want
    anyone messing around with the system they have perfected for keeping poor
    people poor, dependent and Democrats.
    Finally, if you mention immigration policies, you are obviously a
    compassionless racist. Never mind that we have lost control of our borders,
    and that millions of unskilled and destitute illegals in states like
    California have swamped and degraded the schools, jails, hospitals and
    welfare system.
    The massive campaign of indoctrination and intimidation has been largely
    successful. The voices of dissent are silent. If you say something liberals
    do not like, you are guilty of hate speech. People live in dread that
    liberal inquisitors will hound them into submission, and ruin their
    reputations and careers if they utter a forbidden word or express an
    ideologically incorrect idea.
    This is classic censorship, when individuals are taught to flagellate
    themselves, on cue, for the sin of ideological trespass. Pavlov's dogs were
    free agents by comparison.
    Horowitz exposed the cowardice of liberal leaders. He told a truth they are
    too craven to tell, the truth that the call for slavery reparations is
    founded upon the fraudulent idea of group guilt and group victimhood based
    on skin color, which is the ultimate form of stereotyping and, dare I say,
    racial profiling.
    Free speech is under assault in America, and liberals are leading the attack.

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