Re: [sixties-l] Interesting Item on CIA and Canada

From: William M. Mandel (
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 17:34:41 EST

  • Next message: radman: "[sixties-l] Where Will Critical Culture Come From?"

    Cornell University Press book, Undermining the Kremlin: America's Strategy to Subvert the
    Soviet Bloc, 1947-1956, by Gregory Mitrovich. The book is based on very recently
    declassified U.S. documents.
                                                                        William Mandel

    Jerry West wrote:

    > Not your usual material in the corporate press.
    > --
    > Jerry West
    > Editor/publisher/janitor
    > ----------------------------------------------------
    > News and Views from Nootka Sound & Canada's West Coast
    > An independent, progressive regional publication
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Subject: A People^s History of the CIA: Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire
    > Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 00:12:13 -0500
    > From: Richard Sanders <>
    > To:
    > Media Release January 22, 2001
    > A People^s History of the CIA:
    > The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire (and Canada, too!)
    > The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade will soon be releasing a
    > 52-page magazine focusing on the CIA's history of subverting
    > governments around the world.
    > This information is of crucial importance to understanding many
    > of the world's ongoing conflicts.
    > To receive a free sample copy of this issue, send me an email with
    > your street addess and we'll mail you a copy.
    > Below you'll find:
    > (1) the Table of Contents of this issue on the CIA,
    > (2) an article on the U.S. role in ^Knocking Over^ Canada's government, 1963
    > (3) an overview of this issue: "Just Say Know! The CIA^s War on Democracy."
    > Richard Sanders, Editor, Press for Conversion!
    > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    > (1)
    > Table of Contents PRESS FOR CONVERSION!
    > Issue #43
    > "A People^s History of the CIA:
    > The Subversion of Democracy from Australia to Zaire"
    > Just Say Know! The CIA^s War on Democracy.............................3
    > 1944-1954, Germany/USA: Original Sin - From SS to OSS................4
    > Growth of the Gehlen Org.......................................5
    > 1945-1973, Germany/Austria/USA: ^Operation Paperclip^................6
    > 1945-1973, Germany/USA: From Dachau to ^MKULTRA^.....................7
    > late 1940s-present, International: ^Mockingbird,^ Buying the Media....8
    > 1947-1948, Italy: Nazi Loot used to Rig Election.....................9
    > 1947-1970s, Greece: Helping Fascists in a Civil War and Coup........10
    > late 1940s-1990s, Europe: Building Right Wing Terror Groups.........11
    > EU Resolution on Operation ^Gladio^...........................11
    > 1950-now, Germany,: ^Stay Behind^ Forces and Neo-Nazism......11
    > 1945-1963, Vietnam...................................................12
    > 1945-1953, Philippines...............................................12
    > 1949-1953, Albania: CIA ^Cut its Teeth^ with ^Operation Valuable^...12
    > 1950-1970s, Southeast Asia: Drug Lords and Covert Wars..............13
    > 1953-1963, USA: MKULTRA and LSD.....................................14
    > 1953, Iran: Coup Returns Shah in ^Operation TPAJAX^.................15
    > 1954, Guatemala: ^Operation PBSuccess,^ Another Coup................16
    > 1957-1961, Canada: MKULTRA Experiments in Montreal..................17
    > 1958-1991, Iraq: A Classic Case of Divide and Conquer...............18
    > 1958, Indonesia: The Failed Overthrow...............................19
    > 1960s-1970s, Canada: Prisoners used as Guinea Pigs..................20
    > 1960-1997, Congo: Replacing Lumumba with Mobutu.....................21
    > 1962, South Africa: Mandela Imprisoned..............................21
    > 1961-1963, Cuba: Everything from PsyOps to an Invasion..............22
    > 1962-1963, Canada: ^Knocking Over^ ^Dief the Chief^.................23
    > Dief^s ^Made in Canada^ Policies..............................23
    > A Plot ^Made in the USA^......................................23
    > Key Quotations on the events of January 1963.................24
    > CIA Fingerprints: The Americans behind the Plot..............25
    > 1965, Indonesia: Executing a Campaign of Mass Murder................26
    > 1968-1976, Chile: Killing a Democracy...............................27
    > 1975, Angola: Mercenaries, Murder and Corruption....................28
    > 1975, Australia: Overthrowing Whitlam^s Labour Party................29
    > 1976, South America: ^Operation Condor^ Cross-Border Killing........31
    > 1978-1992, El Salvador: Training the Death Squads...................32
    > pre1979-1989, Afghanistan: The CIA^s Biggest Covert War ............33
    > 1980, Iran/USA: The Reagan/Bush ^October Surprise^..................34
    > 1980s, Nicaragua: Reagan^s Contra Terrorists........................35
    > 1980s, U.S./Central America: Contras, Gangs and Crack...............36
    > 1980s, USA: Money Laundering for Contras, Mob and CIA...............37
    > 1983-present, International: NED and ^Project Democracy^............39
    > 1984-1989, Panama: If NED Fails, Send in the Marines................40
    > 1990s-present, Colombia: The Phoney ^War on Drugs^..................41
    > 1999, Yugoslavia: KLA, CIA, OSCE and NATO Join Hands................42
    > Mr. Massacre, from El Salvador to Racak.......................43
    > plus:
    > VANA Update (the National Newsletter of Veterans Against Nuclear Arms)
    > Nuclear Winter Revisited.............................................44
    > Peace Policies of the Political Parties..............................46
    > Short Shots..........................................................48
    > VANA and DREC Reports................................................51
    > --------------------------------------------------------------
    > (2)
    > 1962-1963, Canada: ^Knocking Over^ ^Dief the Chief^
    > (a) A Plot ^Made in the U.S.^
    > By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion!
    > In 1962, the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Livingston Merchant, and his Second
    > Secretary Charles Kisselyak, fuelled a plot among the Canadian Air Forces,
    > Canadian journalists and others to dispose of Prime Minister Diefenbaker.
    > Kennedy hated Dief largely for his anti-nuclear stance. Merchant and other
    > U.S. embassy officers with espionage backgrounds, met at Kisselyak^s home
    > in Ottawa to feed journalists with spaghetti, beer and
    > anti-Diefenbaker/pronuclear propaganda. Among the many participants in
    > these off-the-record briefings was Charles Lynch of Southam News.
    > Diefenbaker later denounced these reporters as ^traitors^ and ^foreign
    > agents.^ He lashed out against Lynch on a TV program saying, ^You were
    > given briefings as to how the Canadian government could be attacked on the
    > subject of nuclear weapons and the failure of the Canadian government to do
    > that which the U.S. dictated.^
    > Merchant and Kisselyak worked with RCAF Wing Commander Bill Lee and
    > NORAD^s number two man, Canadian Air Marshall Roy Slemon. Air Marshall
    > Hugh Campbell and the chair of Canada^s chiefs of staff, Air Marshall Frank
    > Miller also approved Lee^s campaign. Diefenbaker^s avidly pronuclear
    > Defence Minister, Douglas Harkness, also knew of Lee^s effort.
    > As head of RCAF public relations, Lee went to Washington twice a month to
    > confer with U.S. authorities. ^It was a flat-out campaign,^ he later said.
    > ^We identified key journalists, business and labour, key Tory hitters,
    > and...Liberals.... We wanted people with influence on members of cabinet.
    > In the end the pressure paid off.^
    > In 1962, new U.S. ambassador, William Butterworth, continued the
    > ^flat-out campaign^ by holding discrete meetings at the U.S. embassy to
    > exert influence on Canadian journalists.
    > Lester Pearson was the President^s choice. Kennedy gave the go-ahead to
    > his friend and America^s leading pollster, Lou Harris, to become the
    > Liberal^s secret campaign advisor in the 1962 election. Diefenbaker
    > survived with a minority government.
    > The plot to bring down Canada^s government came to a head in January,
    > 1963. On Jan.3, top U.S. Air Force General Lauris Norstad held an Ottawa
    > press conference. Prompted by questions from Lynch, and other reporters
    > briefed by U.S. intelligence, Norstad criticized Canada^s antinuclear
    > stance. On Jan. 12, Pearson announced his new policy of supporting U.S.
    > nuclear weapons in Canada. In protest, Pierre Trudeau called Pearson the
    > ^defrocked priest of peace^ and refused to run for the Liberals.
    > The coup^s final blow came when the U.S. State Department issued a press
    > release which called Diefenbak-er a liar on nuclear issues (Jan. 30). This
    > tactic was suggested by Willis Armstrong, head of the State Department^s
    > Canada Desk in Washington. Butterworth added his suggestions and sent his
    > senior embassy advisor, Rufus Smith, to Washington to draft it. ^With
    > Armstrong chairing, half a dozen officials from State, the White House and
    > the Pentagon...shaped...the rebuke.^ The draft was polished by Under
    > Secretary of State George McGhee and approved by acting Secretary of State,
    > George Ball, and national security advisor, McGeorge Bundy.
    > The Canadian media had a heyday attacking Diefenbaker. Fights broke out
    > in Cabinet. Diefenbaker recalled Canada^s ambassador from the U.S. On
    > Feb. 5, Defence Minister Harkness announced his resignation and Pearson
    > called for a non-confidence vote. Dief^s minority government fell, or
    > rather, it was ^knocked over.^
    > Kisselyak was the U.S. embassy^s contact to Pearson^s election campaign.
    > The Liberals had the strong advantages of a friendly media and Harris^
    > state-of-the-art, computerized polling tactics. Diefenbaker, facing a
    > primed hostile media, ran a stridently anti-U.S. campaign. Pearson^s
    > victory was hailed by newspapers across North America. Within days, the
    > new External Affairs Minister, Paul Martin Sr., was approached by
    > Butterworth to negotiate the acceptance of U.S. nuclear weapons. The
    > warheads were deployed in Canada on New Year^s Eve and there was partying
    > in Washington.
    > Sources: Knowlton Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker, 1990 and Floyd Rudmin ^Is
    > the Sky Falling, or What?,^ Feb. 20, 1995
    > ------------------------------------------
    > (b) Key Quotations on the events of January 1963
    > President John F. Kennedy said the U.S. would take a stronger leadership
    > role in NATO ^even at the risk of offending sensitive allies.^
    > (AP interview, Jan.2)
    > -
    > On General Norstad's Media conference, Jan. 3
    > ^[Norstad^s] purpose was to establish a basis for Pearson^s conversion to
    > U.S. nuclear policy.^
    > (Diefenbaker)
    > ^Kennedy sent Norstad to do this hatchet job on us. It was American
    > imperialism of the highest order.^
    > (Alvin Hamilton, Agriculture minister)
    > ^This was another American turn of the screw to bring down the Conservative
    > government.^
    > (Charles Ritchie, Canada^s ambassador to the U.S.)
    > -
    > On Pearson decision to reverse Liberal Policy and accept U.S. nuclear
    > warheads into Canada (if elected), Jan. 12
    > ^Kennedy achieved his dearest Canadian wish. Pearson progressed... to
    > embracing the U.S. position on arming with nuclear weapons the Bomarcs and,
    > no doubt, yielding to U.S. demands for storage of all manner of nuclear
    > devices in Canada.^
    > (Diefenbaker)
    > ^A pure example of Pearson^s willingness to accept the leadership of the
    > U.S. on any vital matter.^
    > (Hamilton)
    > Liberal policies were ^made in the U.S.^
    > (Tommy Douglas, NDP Leader)
    > -
    > On the U.S. press release, Jan. 30
    > ^It was as deliberate an attempt as ever made to bring down a foreign
    > government.^
    > (Ed Ritchie, former under secretary of state for external affairs)
    > ^This action by the State Department of the U.S. is
    > constitutes an unwarranted intrusion in Canadian affairs... [Canada] will
    > not be pushed around or accept external domination or interference in
    > making its decisions.^ ^President Kennedy was going to obliterate us. I
    > dared to say to him that Canada^s policies would be made in Canada by
    > Canadians.^
    > (Diefenbaker)
    > ^An absolute outrage, the most blatant, heavy-handed, intolerable piece of
    > bullying.^
    > (Charles Ritchie)
    > ^Like a bombshell^
    > (a Diefenbaker aide)
    > ^Brazen interference.^
    > (Howard Green, External Affairs Minister)
    > ^The U.S. should know from this Parliament that they are not dealing with
    > Guatemala...or Cuba.^
    > (Douglas)
    > ^Kennedy decided the government had to go...[I] wouldn^t put it past him to
    > say, ^Get rid of the bastards.^^
    > (R.Bell, Immigration Minister)
    > ^Very useful. Highly beneficial in advancing U.S. interests by introducing
    > realism into a government which has made anti-Americanism... practically
    > its entire stock in trade.^
    > (William Butterworth, U.S. ambassador to Canada)
    > ^For God^s sake, it was like tossing a match into dried hay.^
    > (Rufus Smith, senior advisor to Will Butterworth)
    > -
    > Trudeau^s summary of the events of January 1963
    > ^Do you think General Norstad... came to Ottawa as a tourist?... Do you
    > think it was by chance that Pearson... quoted the authority of Norstad? Do
    > you think it was inadvertant that on January 30 the state department gave a
    > statement to journalists reinforcing Pearson^s claims and crudely accusing
    > Diefenbaker of lying? You think it was by chance that this press release
    > provided the Leader of the Opposition with the arguments he used
    > abundantly? You believe it was coincidence? Why [should] the U.S. treat
    > Canada differently from Guatemala when reason of state requires it and
    > circumstances permit?^
    > (Pierre E. Trudeau)
    > Source: From K.Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker: Fear and Loathing Across the
    > Undefended Border, 1990.
    > ------------------------------------------
    > (c) CIA Fingerprints: The Americans behind the Plot to Oust John Diefenbaker
    > Willis Coburn Armstrong
    > He was a translator at the U.S. embassy in Moscow (1939-1941);
    > Minister-Counsellor (ambassador^s ^right hand man^ (1958-1962) and interim
    > charge d^affairs in Ottawa (1962). At least six of the U.S. diplomats that
    > he selected for Canada had espionage backgrounds (Lisee, p.31). Armstrong
    > told Lisee, that he had been an advisor to the CIA (p.175).1 As Director
    > of the State Department^s Office of British Commonwealth and Northern
    > European Affairs, he attended secret meetings on the Vietnam war with U.S.
    > and U.K. heads of state and their top intelligence officials (1964).2
    > 1. Floyd Rudmin, U.S. ^Ambassador Spies: 1960-1980,^ Jul.6, 1995.
    > 2. <>.
    > George W. Ball
    > He was director of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, London (1944-45);
    > served in JFK^s successful campaign (1960) and became Deputy Secretary of
    > State under JFK and Johnson.1 Ball was a friend of Mike Pearson.2 He was
    > stationed in Cuba (1962), Brazil (1964) and Iran (1978).3
    > 1. Obituary by R. Curtiss, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
    > July/Aug. 1994 <www.washington-report. org>
    > 2. Nash, p.241-242.
    > 3. <>
    > McGeorge Bundy
    > He was a boyhood classmate of JFK. As a WWII intelligence officer, he
    > helped plan the invasions of Sicily and France. Bundy^s brother Bill
    > ^scaled the ranks of the CIA and held senior posts in the Defense and State
    > departments.^1 As Special Assistant for National Security Affairs under
    > JFK and Johnson, M.Bundy forcefully advocated expanding the Vietnam war and
    > was a principal architect of U.S. foreign policy. He played a major role
    > in the invasion of Cuba, the Cuban missile crisis, the escalation of the
    > Vietnam War and the U.S. military intervention in the Dominican Republic.2
    > He was posted to Chile (1964)3.
    > 1. Book Review of The Color of Truth, McGeorge and William Bundy by Kai
    > Bird, Biography Magazine, Sept. 1998
    > 2. Encyclopdia Britannica <www.
    >,5716,123343+1+113090,00.html> and
    > <5716,18343+1+18080,00.html>
    > 3. <>
    > William W. Butterworth
    > During WWII, he was an economic warfare specialist in Spain and Portugal
    > and was one of two Office of Strategic Services (OSS) contacts with German
    > chief of military intelligence, Walter Schellenberg.1 The other was future
    > CIA director, Allen Dulles. After the war, he was posted to China.2
    > Butter-worth was the U.S. ambassador to Canada (1962-1968). At least six
    > espionage officers joined his staff in 1962.
    > Source: Floyd Rudmin, ^Questions of U.S. Hostility Towards Canada.^
    > 1. A.C.Brown, Body Guard of Lies, Vol.1, 1975, p.507; Who^s Who in
    > America, 1965, p.300.
    > 2. Biographic Register, 1968, p.78.
    > Louis Harris
    > In 1960, J.F.Kennedy was the ^first national candidate to make important
    > use of polling.1 ^As his personal contribution toward the defeat^ of
    > Diefen-baker, Kennedy ^gave his unofficial blessing to Lou Harris ^ the
    > shrewd public opinion analyst ^ to work for the Liberal Party. Using a
    > pseudonym [Lou Smith] and working in such secrecy that only half a dozen
    > key people were aware of his activities, Harris...conducted extensive
    > studies of Canadian voting behaviour. They were key contributions to the
    > Liberal victory of 1963.^2 Harris^ ^in person^ polling was conducted by
    > 500 women.3 David Moore, author of The Super Pollsters, cites Harris as
    > ^the biggest most flagrant example^ of polling manipulation.4 Likewise,
    > Professors L.Jacobs and R.Shapiro argue that the way Harris used polling
    > during Nixon^s campaign for presidency ^violated professional standards of
    > conduct.^5
    > 1. Theodore Roszak, The Cult of Information, 1994, p.213.
    > 2. Peter Newman, Renegade in Powers, 1963, p.267.
    > 3. Knowlton Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker, 1990, p.167.
    > 4. Interview by B.Lamb with D.Moore, Booknotes Transcript, May 10, 1992.
    > 5. ^Presidential Manipulation of Public Opinion: The Nixon Administration
    > and the Public Pollsters^ (September 1995)
    > Livingston Tallmadge Merchant
    > He worked on war production issues for the State Department (1942). As the
    > U.S. exerted efforts to support the Nationalist forces, he was counsellor
    > at the embassy in China (1948-49).1 He was Deputy Assistant Secretary of
    > State, Far Eastern Affairs (1949-51) and State Department^s liaison to the
    > CIA^s covert action arm, comprised of former OSS staff (1950). He
    > initiated counter-insurgency operations in the Philippines (1950);2 was
    > Assist. Secretary of State for European Affairs (1953-56, 1958-59) and U.S.
    > ambassador to Canada (1956-58, 1961^62). His First Secretary (1961) was
    > Louis Wiesner, a former OSS officer. At least eight espionage officers
    > joined his staff in 1961. He was U.S. Under-Secretary of State for
    > Political Affairs (1960-61).3
    > Source: Floyd Rudmin, ^Questions of U.S. Hostility Towards Canada.^
    > 1. W. Blum, The CIA: A Forgotten History, 1986, pp.15-20.
    > 2. Z. Grant, Facing the Phoenix, 1991, p.89
    > 3. Who^s Who in America, 1964.
    > Merchant attended top secret meetings with J.F.Kennedy and top intelligence
    > officials to destabilise Cuba.1 He suggested the assassination of Fidel
    > and Raul Castro and Che (1960).2 He was posted to the Congo (1960).3
    > 1. <>
    > 2. Thomas Powers, Strategic Intelligence <>
    > 3. <>
    > Lauris Norstad
    > He was Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence of General HQ Air Force
    > (1940)1 and was responsibility for planning the nuclear bombing of Japan.2
    > He was director of the War Department^s Plans and Operations Division
    > (1947). He helped draft the National Security Act that created the CIA and
    > the National Security Council.3 He became Commander in chief, USAF Europe
    > (1950); Commander in chief, U.S. European Command (1956-1963).4
    > 1. <>
    > 2. <>
    > 3. CIA historian Arthur Darling, The C.I.A.
    > 4. <>
    > ------------------------------------------
    > (d) John Diefenbaker^s ^Made in Canada^ Policies
    > ----
    > ^Diefenbaker promoted Canadian independence with evangelical zeal... ^We
    > are a power, not a puppet,^ the Chief thundered during the controversy over
    > the placement of U.S. nuclear warheads in Canada. ^His rampant nationalism
    > alienated the entire ruling class: Bay Street, Wall Street, his civil
    > service and politicians from all parties. [George] Grant credited the
    > Chief with the strongest stance against satellite status ever attempted by
    > a Canadian. This stance came at a high price.^^ (Laurence Martin, Pledge
    > of Allegiance, The Americanization of Canada in the Mulroney Years, 1993.)
    > ----
    > Cuban Missile Crisis:
    > When U.S. spy planes showed missile sites being constructed in Cuba,
    > Kennedy decided to blockade Russian ships en route to Cuba. Despite NORAD,
    > the Canada-U.S. Permanent Joint Board on Defence and NATO, Kennedy neither
    > consulted nor informed the Canadian government until [two hours] before his
    > TV speech on Oct. 22, 1962.
    > The U.S. asked the Canadian government to move our military to an advanced
    > state of readiness. Diefen-baker did not comply. Nonetheless, Canada^s
    > military moved immediately to advanced readiness without the Prime
    > Minister^s authorization. Canada^s chief of naval staff ordered the
    > Atlantic fleet to sea. Canada^s Minister of Defence ordered the military^s
    > Chiefs of Staff to special preparedness.
    > General McNaughton^s 1941 remark is painfully relevant: ^The acid test of
    > sovereignty is control of the armed forces.^1 Howard Green, Canada^s
    > anti-nuclear External Affairs minister, pleaded that cab-inet reconsider
    > ^blindly following the U.S. lead, particularly since the President had not
    > kept the commitment to consult Canada over the impending [missile] crisis.
    > ^If we go along with the U.S. now, we^ll be their vassal forever.^^2
    > Footnotes:
    > 1. C.P. Stacey, Canada and the Age of Conflict, Vol.2, p.349.
    > 2. Peter Newman, Renegade in Power: The Diefenbaker Years, p.337, p.337.
    > Source: Robin Mathews, Canadian Foundations web site
    > <>
    > ----
    > The Avro and the Bomarcs:
    > Diefenbaker cancelled the Avro Arrow fighter plane program (1959) because
    > the U.S. wouldn^t buy any of them. Although then expected to arm Canada^s
    > Bomarc missiles with U.S. nuclear warheads, Diefenbaker refused.
    > Operation Sky Hawk:
    > Dief cancelled a U.S. nuclear war-related training exercise over Canada
    > (1959).
    > Cuba:
    > Diefenbaker refused U.S. demands to stop trading with Cuba, and instead
    > increased Canada's trade (1960).
    > Apartheid:
    > At a Commonwealth conference (1961), Diefenbaker was the only white leader
    > to support the African and Asian members against allowing South African
    > membership.
    > Immigration:
    > After Diefenbaker^s Bill of Rights (1960), the government reduced
    > immigration restrictions based on racial grounds and began to accept more
    > Asian and black immigrants.
    > Women:
    > Dief appointed the first women cabinet minister and senator.
    > First Nations:
    > Native people allowed to vote for the first time (1960).
    > OAS:
    > Dief resented JFK^s speech to Parliament urging Canada to join the
    > Organization of American States, because Dief had already refused (1961).
    > China:
    > Diefenbaker refused U.S. requests to cut off wheat supplies to China if
    > they continued supporting Vietnamese independence efforts (1962).
    > Nuclear Test Ban:
    > Kennedy pushed for opposition to the treaty, but Canada voted for it
    > (1962). The U.S. and most NATO countries abstained.
    > Sources: Knowlton Nash, Kennedy and Diefenbaker, 1990 and <www.canschool.
    > org/relation/history/7turbu-e.asp>
    > --------------------------------------------------------------
    > (3)
    > Just Say Know! The CIA^s War on Democracy
    > By Richard Sanders, editor, Press for Conversion.
    > For many, the recent U.S. elections raised serious doubts about the
    > American system of democracy. However, millions of others around the world
    > long ago abandoned any notion that the U.S. is a bastion of democracy,
    > either at home or abroad.
    > The U.S. government has, in fact, been a major opponent for millions of
    > people around the world who have struggled to create and maintain
    > democratic systems of governance. Since WWII, the Central Intelligence
    > Agency (CIA) has played a pivotal role in this history of subverting
    > political systems. It has been active in virtually every country of the
    > world and has conducted thousands of secret operations. As a tool of the
    > U.S. president, the CIA has been used to manipulate, undermine and
    > blatantly overthrow countless governments including dozens of functioning
    > democracies.
    > This issue of Press for Conversion! contains only a glimpse into the CIA^s
    > largely overlooked history. It is a shameful history which has plumbed the
    > depths of depravity, greed, deception, hypocrisy and ultraviolence.
    > The CIA^s history is filled with rigged elections, fraud, bribery,
    > sabotage and economic warfare. CIA officials have masterminded
    > psychological warfare, extensive propaganda and the spreading of lies and
    > misinformation through the media. Hatred has been instilled towards those
    > who threaten corporate power, while public support has been engineered for
    > countless wars fought to maintain unjust economic systems that benefit
    > America^s ruling business elite.
    > The CIA has planned, armed and financed many military coups that installed
    > regimes to allow the pillaging of resources by U.S. business. In time, some
    > of these dictatorships also become liabilities and must be replaced with
    > new, more pliable client states.
    > The CIA emerged from the U.S. Office of Strategic Services which, before
    > the end of WWII, began close collaborations with the German ^intelligence
    > community^ on the unfinished war against communism.
    > Since then, literally millions of people have been massacred in a U.S.
    > holocaust that has gone unnoticed and is commonly denied. The first to be
    > assassinated, in these CIA-fostered campaigns of terror and mass murder,
    > have usually been progressive politicians, labour leaders, human rights
    > activists, priests, nuns and other ^subversives.^
    > There are three compelling reasons why the CIA^s horrific history should
    > be of interest to Canadians.
    > Canadian Complicity
    > Canada continues to aid and abet ongoing U.S. wars against democracy, peace
    > and human rights by allowing U.S. military and intelligence gathering
    > stations in Canada, and the testing of U.S. weapons systems. And, our
    > government is increasingly sending troops and equipment to help the U.S. in
    > its invasions and interventions.
    > More than half of Canada^s arms exports are sold to the U.S. Our
    > government puts such blind trust in the U.S. that no restrictions are
    > placed on these exports. Canadian arms producers must obtain government
    > permits for military sales to every country in the world, except the U.S.
    > Our government also funds numerous programs to subsidise these lucrative
    > contracts.
    > But Canadian profitmaking doesn^t end with arms sales to the U.S. That^s
    > just the beginning. After the CIA uses its dirty tricks to install
    > investor-friendly puppet regimes in faraway lands, the Canadian government
    > encourages military exports to those governments. This is, of course,
    > invaluable help in their struggle to wield power. They, in turn, ensure
    > that Canadian investors are given access to profitable ventures in mining,
    > defor-estry and manufacturing. Canadian companies clamour to join the
    > feeding frenzy that bleeds these countries dry of their wealth and resources.
    > CIA Fingerprints in Canada
    > Canadians should also be on the look out for the telltale signs of CIA
    > activities in Canada. Being right next door, we are certainly not beyond
    > their grasp. Besides the CIA-backed brainwashing experiments conducted on
    > unwilling Canadian prisoners and psychiatric patients, CIA fingerprints
    > have also appeared on our political landscape. In 1963, top-ranking U.S.
    > diplomats in Ottawa, along with officials from the Pentagon, the State
    > Department ^ several with close ties to the CIA ^ were involved in a
    > successful campaign to oust John Diefenbaker from office. Among other
    > things, Dief would not allow U.S. nuclear weapons to be deployed in Canada.
    > U.S. officials colluded with the high-ranking Canadian military officers,
    > journalists and politicians to install a Liberal government that agreed to
    > station U.S. nuclear warheads in Canada (see pages 23-25).
    > It is safe to assume that any relatively progressive government that
    > somehow manages to get elected in Canada, will likely fall prey to covert
    > U.S. activities. Afterall, the CIA has created, controlled and disposed of
    > governments all over the world. Why would we think that they^d hesitate to
    > extend their tentacles of power here?
    > Challenging the Cheerleaders
    > For too long, the CIA has operated under a cloak of secrecy without even
    > the knowledge or consent of elected U.S. officials, let alone the U.S.
    > public or the billions of people around the world who have suffered from
    > CIA activities. Anything that we can do to shed light on this dark history
    > will be an invaluable gift to future generations.
    > In this era of a ^free media^ eager to cover controversies, the CIA^s
    > history and its countless scandals have largely been ignored. An awareness
    > of this history is invaluable in understanding the contexts of so many wars
    > that are now raging. Hopefully, it will only be a matter of time before
    > the CIA^s real legacy becomes part of our society^s common knowledge.
    > The next time the U.S. wants Canadian support or participation in a
    > ^humanitarian war,^ let^s hope we have the wherewithal to just say no!
    > Knowing the CIA^s history will equip us with the knowledge to challenge
    > anyone who is nave enough to want Canada to join in as a cheerleader or
    > fellow warmonger. As the marble inscription in the main lobby at CIA
    > headquarters reads: ^And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set
    > you free.^
    > ------------------------------------------------------
    > Richard Sanders
    > Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
    > 541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario Canada K1R 5R2
    > Tel.: 613-231-3076 Fax: 613-231-2614
    > Email:
    > Web site:

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