[sixties-l] Encyclopedia of Marches and Demonstrations

From: radman (resist@best.com)
Date: 01/14/01

  • Next message: radman: "[sixties-l] How Marijuana Ruined My Life"

    Call for Contributors, Encyclopedia of Marches and Demonstrations
    We are looking for contributors for the 2000 page, 2 volume,illustrated
    Encyclopedia of Marches and Demonstrations, to be published by ABC-CLIO
    in the fall of 2003. Comprehensive in scope, and written by top scholars in
    the field, the Encyclopedia will be the definitive reference work in the
    field for
    years to come. Articles run between 2 and 10 manuscript pages in length,
    depending on subject. All entries will be signed and all writers will be
    on the contributor page. The deadlines for materials range from 2/2001 -
    12/2001. If you cannot contribute, perhaps you can forward names and email
    addresses of scholars (including graduate students) who might be interested.
    Contact us at: mary_young@berea.edu or
    Thank you
    Mary Young mary_young@berea.edu 

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