[sixties-l] Paul The Poet McCartney Bursts Into Verse

From: radman (resist@best.com)
Date: 01/08/01

  • Next message: radman: "[sixties-l] Still gonzo, after all these years"

    Paul 'The Poet' McCartney Bursts Into Verse
    January 1, 2001
    By Paul Majendie
    LONDON (Reuters) - First the pop, then the paintings, now the poetry, Paul 
    McCartney has burst into verse.
    The former Beatle, who composed some of the world's most memorable pop 
    classics with John Lennon, is to publish more than 100 of his poems as a 
    personal epitaph to his late wife Linda.
    "It was Linda who wanted Paul to get them published," playwright and poet 
    Adrian Mitchell told the Sunday Times, which revealed details of 
    McCartney's latest artistic venture.
    "Paul is not afraid to take on the art of poetry, which is the art of 
    dancing naked," Mitchell said.
    His fellow poets were warm in praise of the McCartney verses, which are 
    being printed in a collection entitled "Blackbird Singing."
    "Clearly Paul has a proven ability and I find many of his poems very apt 
    and moving, particularly about Linda's death," said poet Michael Horovitz, 
    who has known the Beatles since their pop heyday in the 60s.
    Poetess Ursula Fanshawe said: "There is touching evidence of a mind ravaged 
    by memories."
    Much praised was his bittersweet reflection on Linda's long fight against 
    breast cancer before her death in 1998.
    In one poem, McCartney wrote: "Sadness isn't sadness, it's happiness in a 
    black jacket. Death isn't death, it's life that jumped off a tall cliff. 
    Tears are not tears, they're balls of laughter dipped in salt."
    Beatles biographer Hunter Davies was not surprised that McCartney had burst 
    into print: "He always had literary leanings," he said.
    "But he probably felt a bit inhibited because he and John were always in 
    friendly rivalry and John had his (poetry) books published. I find his new 
    poems rather moving and touching."
    McCartney has always been eager to push beyond the boundaries of pop music, 
    moving first into the field of classical music.
    He has also been painting for the past 20 years, but only went public with 
    an exhibition in Germany in May 1999 followed by shows in London and New York.
    Thirty years after the group broke up, Beatlemania shows no signs of 
    vanishing.  Their recently released collection of number one hits topped 
    the charts around the world. The group has also launched its own Web site.
    McCartney's personal appeal shows no sign of fading either.
    Last month, young girls wept, paparazzi snapped and fans screamed when he 
    went to a London bookstore to sign copies of his new book "Paintings."

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